• 570

    Muhammad Ibn Abdullah was born

    Muhammad Ibn Abdullah was born
    His parents died when he was very young and he was raised by his uncle, a rich merchant
  • 614

    Muslim expansion

    Muslim expansion
    Muslims from the Arabian Peninsula began a process os expansion
  • 622

    Muhammad fled to the city of Medina

    Muhammad fled to the city of Medina
    His teachings for a new monotheist religion the Islam, had few followers and the authorities persecuted him because of his ideas, so Muhammad had to flee, this act is called Hijra and this marked the beginning of the Islamic calendar
  • 630

    Many Arabian tribes converted to Islam

    Many Arabian tribes converted to Islam
    The prophet converted the people of Medina to Islam and with his help they attacked Mecca and destroyed their idols
  • 632

    Muhammad died

    Muhammad died
    Later, most of the people had converted to Islam
  • 632

    First four caliphs

    First four caliphs
    . Was ruled between 632 and 661. Were chosen from Muhammad´s family members
  • 632

    Muhammad died

    Muhammad died
    At this time many Arabians converted to Islam and the Arabian Peninsula had been politically unified
  • 661

    Umayyad dynasty

    Umayyad dynasty
    Its capital is Damascus. They led a great expansion, conquering the Iberian Peninsula and other regions
  • 700

    The life of Arabian Peninsula

    The life of Arabian Peninsula
    The inhabitans lived in travelling groups, they are nomadic herders and farmers
  • 710

    Wittiza died and Roderic was elected king

    Wittiza died and Roderic was elected king
    Wittiwa's son Achila did not accept Roderic war
  • 711

    Battle of guadalete

    Battle of guadalete
    An army of Berbers crossed the Strait of Gibraltar ad defeated the Visigoths, in this battle Roderic died
  • 714

    Muslims in the Iberian Peninsula

    Muslims in the Iberian Peninsula
    Crossed the Strait of Gibraltar to the Iberian Peninsula, conquering most of the region. The conquered territory was called Al-Andalus
  • 718

    Conquest of the Peninsula by the Muslims

    Conquest of the Peninsula by the Muslims
    The invading armies controlled most of the peninsula. Visigothic nobles and clerics, along with a small part of the puopulation, took refuge in the Cantabrian Mountains.
  • 718

    The Islam conquered of Berber tribes

    The Islam conquered of Berber tribes
    In North Africa took over most of the Iberian Peninsula and attacked the Frankish Kingdom
  • 718

    The Dependent Emirate

    The Dependent Emirate
    After the military conquest, Al-Andalus became a province or emirate that was dependent on the Umayyad Caliphate of Damascus
  • 718

    Berber tribes

    Berber tribes
    They conquered the Beber tribes in north Africa, took over most of the Iberian Peninsula
  • 722

    Battle of Covadonga

    Battle of Covadonga
    Armed confrontation between Asturian and Umayyad troops in Covadonga, Asturias
  • 732

    Battle of poitiers

    Battle of poitiers
    Between the forces commanded by the Frankish leader Charles Martel and a Muslim army. The Franks defeated the Muslim army.
  • 732

    Attacked the Frankish kingdom

    Attacked the Frankish kingdom
    Where they were beaten in the beaten in the Battle of Poitiers and forced to retreat south of the Pyrenees
  • 734

    Byzantine Empire

    Byzantine Empire
    The Muslims faced the Byzantine Empire and they were conquering Syria, Egypt and a part of Persian Empire
  • 750

    The Abbasid dynasty

    The Abbasid dynasty
    Defeated the Umayyads and took over the Caliphate
  • 750

    Abbasid dynasty

    Abbasid dynasty
    Defeated the Umayyads and took over the Caliphate, moving the capital to Baghdad. During this period, some provinces, such as Al-Andalus, Egypt and Morocco, separated themselves from the centra power
  • 756

    Abd al-Rahmad

    Abd al-Rahmad
    The last member of the Umayyad family. Fled to A-Andalus. Founded the Umayyad Emirate of Córdoba
  • 756

    The Independent Emirate

    The Independent Emirate
  • 831

    Expanded and occupied Palermo

    Expanded and occupied Palermo
    The Islam expanded towards Nubia and occuped Palermo
  • 831

    Muslims expanded towards Nubia

    Muslims expanded towards Nubia
    Nubia was in southern Egypt, occupied Palermo
  • 846

    Islam invaded southern and central Italy

    Islam invaded southern and central Italy
    In the 9th century, they expanded towards Nubia, occupied Palermo
  • 846

    Muslims in Italy

    Muslims in Italy
    The Muslims invaded southern and central Italy
  • 929

    Caliphate of Córdoba

    Caliphate of Córdoba
    A territory independent from the authority of Baghdad
  • 929

    Abd al-Rahman III

    Abd al-Rahman III
    Last independent emir and first Umayyad caliph of Cordoba
  • 1008

    The Caliphate began to break up

    The Caliphate began to break up
    The aristocracy, senior civil servants and the army fought for power
  • 1031

    Independent Kingdoms

    Independent Kingdoms
    Al-Andalus was divided into more than 25 independent kingdoms called Taifas:
  • 1086

    Arrival of the Almoravids

    Arrival of the Almoravids
    Political fragmentation weakened the militarily against the Christian kingdoms. This facilited the invasion of the almoravids
  • 1147

    Arrival of the Almohads

    Arrival of the Almohads
    It not only facilited the invasion of the Almoravids, it also facilitated the Almohads
  • 1212

    Battle of Navas of Tolosa

    Battle of Navas of Tolosa
    Christian conquest of most of Andalucia
  • 1248

    The Nasrid kingdom of Granada

    The Nasrid kingdom of Granada
    It was the only territory that survived the Christian advance. It was ruled by sultans or king of the Nasrid dynasty
  • 1453

    The Islamic Empire

    The Islamic Empire
    Was taken over by the Turks. They conquered Constantinople, the Byzantine capital
  • 1453

    Final of the Middle Ages

    Final of the Middle Ages
    The Islamic Empire was taken over by the Turks. They conquered Constantinople. This event marks the end of the Middle Ages
  • 1492

    Conquest of Granada

    Conquest of Granada
    By the Catholic Monarchs