
  • 711

    Battle of Guadalete

    Battle of Guadalete
    The last Visigoth king Don Rodrigo defeated against the muslims in the battle of Guadalete
  • Period: 711 to 750

    Dependent emirate

    a province that dependent religiusly and politically in the Umayyad Caliphate of Damascus
  • 722

    Battle of Covadonga

    Battle of Covadonga
    A group of christians led by Don Pelayo defeated to the muslims in Asturias, this battle is taken as the begining of "La reconquista"
  • 732

    Battle of Poitiers

    Battle of Poitiers
    In this battle the muslims attak the south of France and the muslims defeated against the Franks so they retreated to the Iberian Peninsula
  • 756

    Abderraman I

    Abderraman I
    Abderraman I arrived to Iberan Peninsula after escaping from the assesination of his family
  • 929

    Abderraman III

    Abderraman III
    in 929 he proclaimed him self caliph of Cordoba
  • 1031


    Al-Andalus separated in
    28 taifas because there was followers os Almanzor´s son and followers of Hisham II
  • 1085

    Alfonso VI

    Alfonso VI
    Alfonso VI conquered the taifa of Toledo
  • 1086

    Battle of Sagrajas and reunified Al-Andalus

    Battle of Sagrajas and reunified Al-Andalus
    in these battle fight the almoravids against the christians and the almoravids defeated the christians. also the almoravids reunified Al-Andalus and incorporated into their empire
  • 1145

    2º Taifas

    2º Taifas
    Al-Andalus desintegrated again into taifas
  • 1172


    the 2º taifas remained independent until 1172 when they were conquered by the Almohads
  • 1195

    Sttoped reconquista (battle of Alarcos)

    Sttoped reconquista (battle of Alarcos)
    the Almohads sttoped reconquista for a while
  • 1212

    Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa

    Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa
    the Almohads were defeated by the christians
  • 1238

    Nashrid kingdom of Granada

    Nashrid kingdom of Granada
    Al-Andalus had been reduced to Nashrid kingdom of Granada
  • 1492


    Nashrid kingdom of Granada had to pay pairas to El Reino de Castilla, pairas consist in pay taxes in exchange of peace