• 711

    Battle of Guadalete

    It was the battle in which the Muslims snatched the Iberian Peninsula from the Visigoths.
  • Period: 711 to 756

    Dependent emirate

  • 756

    Prince Abd ar-Rahman 1

    Defeats the governor of Al-Andalus and becomes Emir of Cordoba
  • Period: 756 to 929

    Independ emirate

  • 929

    Abd ar-Rahman 3

    emir Abd ar-Rahman 3 declares himself Caliph of Cordoba
  • Period: 929 to 1031


    Caliphate of Cordoba
  • 1031

    The Caliphate

    The Caliphate disintegrates into several smallerkingdoms called califas
  • Period: 1031 to 1086

    The first kingdoms of taifas appear

    The first kingdoms of taifas appear on the Iberic Peninsula
  • 1085


    The Christians take Toledo
  • 1086

    The Almoravids

    The Almoravids defeat the Christians at the battñe of Sagrajas
  • Period: 1086 to 1212

    North African Empire Almoravid Almohad

    The Taifas are not strong enough to resist the Christians Kings
  • 1147


    The Almohads take the con trol
  • Period: 1212 to 1492

    Kingdom of Granada

    Granada is the only muslims kingdom left in the Iberian Peninsula
  • 1492

    Isabella and Ferdinand

    Isabella and Ferdinand conquer Granada. Boabdil is the last muslim king in Al-Andalus