Ag History 1990-Present Day

  • Biomass Research and Development Act

    Biomass Research and Development Act
    The Biomass Research and Development Act of 2000 provided government grants for the research and development of biofuels and biobased products from crops and feedstock. kBiomass is organic plant and animal waste that can be used as a source of energy.
  • Agriculture Disaster and Drought

    Agriculture Disaster and Drought
    There was a drought in the year 2000 that was declared to be the worst drought in 800 years. it caused a lasting impact on crops and forests in the areas and the water availability in the Western U.S.
  • Piglets Cloned

    Piglets Cloned
    On March 5, 2000 five female cloned pigs were born at the PPL Therapeutics laboratory in Blacksburg, VA. This is important to ag because now farmers can potentially have more piglets if they clone them. This is also a major technological advancement.
  • High-Tech Cattle

    High-Tech Cattle
    In 2002, Agricultural Research Service rangeland scientist David Ganskopp from Burns, Oregon, installed GPS collars on twelve cattle to track movements and better understand why they tend to graze in certain areas. This was important to agriculture because it helped farmers and scientists to know why cattle only ate specific spots of grass
  • A New Peanut

    A New Peanut
    Researchers have found a new peanut variety that lacks a major allergen. This let people with peanut allergies eat peanut related things. This is important to agriculture because now, peanut farmers can make more money growing these peanuts that anyone can eat
  • Google Earth

    Google Earth
    Google Earth was created to help create models of cities and other things for architectural things and so you could see where things are on the planet. This is important to ag because farmers could create a model of their farm to see where they want to build something or put animals.
  • The Heal of Cotton

    The Heal of Cotton
    The USDA approved a special type of cotton that is helpful in dressing wounds. This is important to ag because this benifits cotton farmers by increasing the demand for cotton,
  • Colony Collapse Disorder

    Colony Collapse Disorder
    36% of honeybee colonies in the U.S. died due to several deadly viruses. This was important to ag because if the honeybee population dropped, so dd the amount of honey, which might have dropped honeybee farmers incomes.
  • From Chicken Feathers to Flower Pots.

    From Chicken Feathers to Flower Pots.
    Around four billion pounds of chicken feathers are thrown away during processing in the U.S. each year. Because of this, a researcher made a biodegradable flowerpot out of chicken feathers, so they wouldn't go to waste. This is important to ag because now chicken farmers can sell the feathers too, and they don't have to get rid of them.
  • Genetically Modified Foods

    Genetically Modified Foods
    Genetically modified organisms, (GMOs) were introduced to the U.S. This is important to ag because poorer farmers can now grow crops and get an income.
  • A Safer Foot and Mouth Disease Vaccine

    A Safer Foot and Mouth Disease Vaccine
    Scientists found a safer Foot-and-Mouth vaccine for animals. This is important to ag because now farmers can prevent their livestock from getting sick and so they can stay healthy.
  • Trump's new Policies

    Trump's new Policies
    Trump renegotiated trade deals with other countries. This is important to ag because farmers ca now grow or raise things to trade with more countries