Africa timeline

  • 1400

    Europeans explore Africa in the 1400s

    Europeans explore Africa in the 1400s
  • 1500


    Europeans begin taking slaves and exchanging them for guns and African goods
  • Colonization

    Europeans begin colonizing g and taking over African countries
  • Full control

    Full control
    By 1900 Europe had almost full control of Africa
  • South African independence

    South African independence
    South Africa gains independence in 1910
  • Italians invade Ethiopia

    Italians invade Ethiopia
    Italy invades Ethiopia, this might have inspired Africans to fight against colonizers
  • Pan Africanism

    Pan Africanism
    Kwame Nkrumah Introduces pan africanism, which is a belief that all black Africans world wide should be united
  • Apartheid

    In 1948 white Africans started apartheid in South Africa
  • First Sudanese civil war

    First Sudanese civil war
    After decolonization Sudan spirals into a civil war of the north vs south, the first civil war lasts 1955-1972
  • Sudanese independence

    Sudanese independence
    Sudan gains independence from Great Britain
  • Ghanas independence

    Ghanas independence
    On march 6th 1957, Ghana gains its independence from Great Britain
  • Belgian Congo independence

    Belgian Congo independence
    Belgian congo gains independence, but its government is struglgling
  • Nigerian independence

    Nigerian independence
    Nigeria gains independence
  • Hutu take control of Rwanda

    Hutu take control of Rwanda
    The Hutu ethnic group take control of Rwanda
  • Rwandan independence

    Rwandan independence
    Rwanda gains independence from Belgium
  • Kenyan independence

    Kenyan independence
    Kenya gains independence from Great Britain
  • Nelson Mandela

    Nelson Mandela
    Nelson Mandela is arrested and gets a life sentence
  • Joseph Mobutu

    Joseph Mobutu
    Joseph Mobutu Takes power of the Congo
  • Nigerian civil war

    Nigerian civil war
    In 1967 the Igbo ethnic group declared themselves independent and started a civil war in Nigeria
  • Steven Biko

    Steven Biko
    On September 12th 1977, Steven Biko, a member of the African national congress who worked to rid apartheid was jailed and killed by South African authorities
  • Second Sudanese civil war

    Second Sudanese civil war
    In 1983 the second Sudanese civil war starts, it ended in 2005. It was largely started by an attempt to bring sharia law to Sudan.
  • F.W de clerk is elected president of South Africa

    F.W de clerk is elected president of South Africa
    F.w de clerk is elected, later he would end apartheid
  • The end of apartheid

    The end of apartheid
    F.W De clerk ends apartheid
  • Nobel peace prize

    Nobel peace prize
    Nelson mandela and F. W de Clerk are awat\reed Nobel peace prizes
  • Rwandan genocide

    Rwandan genocide
    Hutus start killing Tutsis, the other ethnic group in Rwanda. Eventually Tutsis fight back and take control of rwanda and restore peace, the genocide lasted months
  • Nelson Mandela is elected

    Nelson Mandela is elected
    Nelson Mandela becomes president of South Africa
  • Arab spring

    Arab spring
    In Tunisia people start protesting for a more democratic government which starts Arab spring
  • Tunisia reforms

    Tunisia reforms
    The leader of Tunisia, Ben Ali flees Tunisia and a democratic government is formed
  • South Sudanese independence

    South Sudanese independence
    South Sudan gains independence from Sudan
  • Libya

    In 2011, Libyan rebels capture and kill mammary Qaddafi, a democratic Libyan government is then formed, though after this there is more violence in Libya
  • Egyptian revolt

    Egyptian revolt
    Egypts new Islamic government is overthrown