
  • European Settlers

    During the first World War, Eruopean settlers came to South Africa and took over. They first were shipped to Cape of Good Hope, the Europeans were.
  • Language

    There were 15,000 people there, the Boers or Afrikaners. The language they spoke was Dutch dialect. By 1795 they tried to establish an independant republic.
  • Resistants: Part 1

    There were organizations that helped black people fight against the whites. Such as one which was called Lubumba Yama Afrika. If you proteseted even if it was non-violent, you were sent to prison and usually you died in their custody. Like a man named Steve Biko, he was a non-violent protestor and he was in the whites custody and died in their custody.
  • Britain Come In

    After they occupied the Cape Colony, Britain took permanant posession.
  • Boers Defeat

    "The defeat of the Boers in 1902 led in 1910 to the Union of South Africa." Then they composed of their four provinces, which were, the two former republics, and the olf Cape and Natal colonies.
  • Resistants: Part 2

    Nelson Mandela was in a group called the ANC, African National Congress. This was to help people in a non-violent way show the whites what they felt needed to be done, and Mandela and others in the group wanted to make this a movement and do whatever they could to change the whites minds against discrimination.
  • Apartheid Law Passed

    Apartheid was created by three hundred and seventeen laws. This was made by Dr. D.F. Malan's nationialist party.
  • Apartheid

    Apartheid is when people are discriminated against. They are put down by other people, usually it is racism. This happened in the middle of the 17th century. People tried doing everything and they were killed for it. Here is a sign that shows how far they took these things. Blacks were not allowed in white areas.
  • Outside of Apartheid: Part 1

    In the beginning, when Africa passed their laws, people around them didn't want anything to do with it and ignored it. Later some countries tried helping in it and were seeing what was really happening.
  • Permission to Cross?

    The Group Areas Act restriced blacks from entering the urban areas, industrial areas, and agriculture ares. These places were only for whites. The only way you could get into these places if you were a housemaid, worker, or a gardener, but you still would have to ask the state permission.
  • The Outside World: Part 2

    South Africa wasn't going to land any of their airlines in any other country. They stopped selling their goods to other places and didn't send anything out of the country, then finally made a movement.
  • Education during Apartheid

    Kids were even seperated at there schools depending on their race. If there wasn't enough teachers or classrooms in the black classrooms, the school would raise the prices.
  • Ending of Aparthied: Part 1

    Apartheid came to an end when president F.W. de Klerk announced aparetheid was coming to an end. By 1991 all of the Apartheid laws were repealed.
  • Ending Apertheid: Part 2

    Racism is still in the lives of many people, South Africa keeps getting stronger. Other countries are letting them export things from there and a lot of other stuff.
  • Nelson Mandela

    Nelson Madela was a very important man in South Africa. He was a protester before he was sent to jail, for standing up for his beliefs. Years later when he was released he became the president of all of South Africa. He was the first black president also in South Africa.