Affective Computing Timeline

  • Clippit (Clippy)

    Clippit (Clippy)
    An animated character office assistant on Microsoft Windows. Clippy would pop up on the screen to offer help when a task was detected. Its untimely appearances frustrated many users, so Clippy was soon retired in 2001.
  • Kismet

    A metal machine with human like features that conveyed nonverbal information in conversation with humans. Kismet would react and interact with human conversation using nonverbal sounds and movements. This invention was a major step in the connections between humans and machines.
  • Galvactivator

    A project within the Affective Commuting Group invented by Picard and Scheirer. This globelike device tracked skin conductivity and made it visible through a LED display. Computers were able to use the information of a wearer's arousal level to react through the computer. Yonck uses an example of the game Quake, in which characters leap backwards when the Galvactivator registered a player's shock.
  • Inventor of Galvactivator

    Inventor of Galvactivator
    Jocelyn Scheirer played a big role In the invention of the galvactivator and eventually was a co-founder of Affectiva. While at MIT she developed several many objects that helped computers recognize and respond to human emotion and expression. Much of her work was created with the help of Rosalind Picard.
  • Knewton

    A company that is working to reach personalized education. By using adaptive learning technology it hopes to determine student performance and take that data to personalize a student's education. This helps scaffold lessons for each student's individual needs. This is not supposed to be a replacement for teachers, but rather a helpful resource in given teachers more time.
  • Pepper

    An assistant robot with the ability to converse in a lifelike manner. Pepper has the ability to speak and gesticulate by using a series of prepared questions and jokes, voice recognition, and visual and audio techniques. This invention was a large feat in the social companion robot world.
  • Home Automation

    Home Automation
    A future invention to help make a home more protected, organized, and convenient. Using artificial intelligence, voice control, and many other techniques to make a home more comfortable and convenient. Small steps have been made in this field, but I imagine much bigger steps will occur in the near future. I think in the near future home automation will be more common throughout homes around the world. Homes will be protected and used through voice activation or cellular devices.
  • Drone Delivery

    Drone Delivery
    A future invention to help speed up delivery services. Rather than relying on human and road conditions, delivery through drones will be quicker and more reliable. The delivery systems and companies can work from a remote location while deliveries are still being made worldwide. I think this invention will take a longer time to perfect and be used by all companies.