WWII Workplace Training
World War II changed workplace training. A major factor was systematic training. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DkxtofOfLsc -
Leaders became the new trend of trainers and measurement of performance was important. -
BF Skinner
In 1953, Bf Skinner released his book Science and Human Behavior. This impacted workplace training to focus on efficiency, human behavior, and conditioning. Skinner's beliefs of utilizing positive reinforcement remains a signature element in training and education today. Image of B.F Skinner retrieved from Wikipedia -
Knowles' book The Adult Learner
In 1973, Malcolm Knowles' book the Adult Learner, Neglected Species was published. Knowles coined the term Andragogy and presented 5 key principles to adult learning. The image of Malcolm Knowles was retrieved from Azquotes.com -
Money Cuts and Diversity
Women were entering the workplace in more leadership roles and there became a more diverse workplace. However, the training budgets were being cut and leaders let go, which impacted resources for training and learning. Image retrieved from Workplace Diversity -
Technology Revolution
It is the technology revolution as the beginning of the World Wide Web. Training entered a global world. The image retrieved from Wikipedia -
2000 throgh Present Time
2000 through present involves elements of behaviorism, Knowles' principles, and the focus on talent management. The focus on measurement and return on investment. The impact social media has on the world. The new hybrid learning models involving face to face and online learning.