A Central Element.
A central element in Puritan social and theological life was the notion of the covenant. All social relationships--between God and man, ministers and congregations, magistrates and members of their community, and men and their families--were envisioned in terms of a covenant or contract which rested on consent and mutual responsibilities -
The Monhiggin [Mohican] refuseth to part with his prey.
Although most of New England's settlers were Puritans, these people did not agree about religious doctrine. Some, like the Pilgrims of Plymouth, believed that the Church of England should be renounced, while others, like Massachusetts Bay's leaders, felt that the English church could be reformed. Important because it shows that some pilgrims were still faithful to England. -
Spanish Ruled.
The seventeenth century was the Netherlands's golden age, during which the Dutch produced some of the world's greatest painters, like Rembrandt, great philosophers, like Spinoza, and great mathematicians and astronomers, like Christian Huygens. -
All people shall continue free
Between 1652 and 1674, the Dutch fought three naval wars with England. The English had hoped to wrest control of shipping and trading from the Dutch but failed. -
The Trustees intend to relieve such unfortunate persons as cannot subsist here [in England]"
Prior to the American Revolution, only one colony, Georgia, temporarily sought to prohibit slavery, because the founders did not want a workforce that would compete with the debtors they planned to transport from England. Important because the there were still come colonies slavery wasn't allowed in so they could live there. -
I most heartily congratulate you on the surrender of Canada
No longer able to play the French off against the British, Native Americans found it increasingly difficult to slow the advance of white settlers into the western parts of New York, Pennsylvania, North and South Carolina, and Virginia. To stop encroachments on their lands in the Southeast, the Cherokees attacked frontier settlements in the Carolinas and Virginia in 1760. Important because this is how the settlers gained more land. -
The revolutionary era greatly increased popular participation in politics. Political pamphlets proliferated and newspapers were transformed from business organs into vehicles for political discussion -
Nothing but equal Liberty.
The Townshend duties were a dismal failure. Only 21,000 pound sterling in new duties were collected, while sales of British goods to the colonies fell by more than 700,000 pounds. In 1770, Parliament repealed all the Townshend duties except one, a duty on tea, to symbolize Parliament's right to tax the colonies. Important because the British were still controlling the colonies and the colonies were wanting to separate -
A Land of Contrasts
Even in the colonial era, the distinguishing characteristic of American society was the diversity of its population. By European standards, America was extraordinarily diverse ethnically, religiously, and regionally. -
A daring and cruel outrage has been committed"
Political polarization was further intensified by the outbreak of popular protests in western Pennsylvania against Hamilton's financial program. To help fund the nation's debt, Hamilton in 1791 adopted an excise tax on whiskey. Important because the economy was bad so they had to fix it some way. -
Although often treated as a minor footnote to the bloody European war between France and Britain, the War of 1812 was crucial for the United States. -
American settlement in Texas began with the encouragement of first the Spanish, and then Mexican, governments. In the summer of l820 Moses Austin, a bankrupt 59-year old Missourian, asked Spanish authorities for a large Texas land tract which he would promote and sell to American pioneers Important because this is how we got Texas as American land. -
"The American continents...are henceforth not to be considered for future colonization by any European powers"
The United States not only feared European intervention in Florida, but also in the Pacific Northwest and in Latin America. -
usa became big in the indisstryd
By 1890, the United States had by far the world's most productive economy. American industry produced twice as much as its closest competitor--Britain. * -
During the Progressive era, the states were " laboratories for democracy," where state governments experimented with a wide range of reforms to eliminate governmental corruption, abolish unsafe working conditions, make government more responsive to public needs, and protect working people. -
other headlines
OTHER HEADLINES Armed American Steamship Sunk; 11 Men Missing: The Aztec Is First Gun-Bearing Vessel Under Our Flag to be Torpedoed: Surprise Attack at Night: 12 Navy Men and Their Chief Among 17 Survivors Picked Up by a Patrol: 11 in a Lifeboat That Sank: Liner St. Paul, with Cannon, Reaches British Port in Safety- Had 61 Passengers -
kennedy is killed
KENNEDY IS KILLED BY SNIPER AS HE RIDES IN CAR IN DALLAS; JOHNSON SWORN IN ON PLANE Date: 11/22/1963 Description: President Kennedy was assassinated while riding in a motorcade in Dallas. Texas Gov. John B. Connally was seriously wounded. A suspect, Lee Harvey Oswald, was arrested. Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson became the 36th president of the United States. -
Martin Luther King Jr. is killed
1968Martin Luther King Is Slain in Memphis; A White Is Suspected; Johnson Urges Calm Date: 4/4/1968 Description: Civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., 39, was shot to death in Memphis, Tenn. Important because he fought for peace and because of his death, his cause lived on. -
Bill Clinton wins presidential election
In 1992, Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton defeated George Bush and Texas businessman Ross Perot to become the first Democratic president in 12 years. The campaign was a bitter, three-way contest marked by intense assaults on the candidates’ records and character. -
Bomb in World Trade Center
1993 A bomb exploded in the garage of New York's World Trade Center, killing six people and injuring more than 1,000 others