
Ancient Islamic Empire

  • Jan 1, 632

    United at Last

    United at Last
    After the election of Abu Bakar as Caliph the Bedouin tribes became united under one religion and became a formitable armed force.
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  • Period: Jan 1, 632 to Jan 1, 661

    Rightly Guided Caliphs

    After muhamed's death a group of his closest followers elected the first Caliph or succsessor Abu Bakar. Under Abu Bakar the Bedouin tribes became united under one common religion and all of the agression they had previously directed toward each other was now directed towards conquering land in the Alah. Durring the rule of the Rightly guided Caliphs the Islamic empire saw the largest expansion of territory the Empire would ever see.
  • Jan 1, 640

    Syria Has Been Taken

    Syria Has Been Taken
    The now united Bedouin tribes called the Arabs have made a name for them selves by capturing the Byzanting province of Syria and converting its population to Islam. They would go on to capture many more lands in the name of Alah with their goal being to convert the populous to Islam.
    Picture URL: <a <a>
  • Jan 1, 656

    The Factional Dissputes

    The Factional Dissputes
    There are two factions in Islam the Shittes and the Sunnis, both of who continue to exist today. The Shittes are the more aggressive of the two while the Sunni are the more peaceful and spiritual. The factional disputes began when Ali , a shitte, was elected Caliph after supposedly assasinating Umar a Sunni. Thus giving Mu'awyia a reson to Caliph a hereditary tile so noboy would assasinate him because it would go to his sun. Therefore begining th Umayyad dynasty.
  • Period: Jan 1, 661 to Jan 1, 750

    Umayyad Dynasty

    With the election of Mu'awiya the Umayyad dynasty took root. What is unique about the Umayyads is that the Caliph was declared a hereditary position by Mu'awiya but only for his family. Durring the Umayyad dynasty the Islamic world saw the largest growth of the empire since the rule of the Rightly Guided Caliphs.
  • Jan 1, 732

    March On France

    March On France
    Arab armys march across the Pyrenees Mountains to invade France but are defeated at The Battle of Poitiers. The Arabs were defeated because their main force was defeated by the supurior French Calvery.
    Picture URL: <a href=' <a>
  • Period: Jan 1, 750 to Jan 1, 1258

    Abbisid Dynasty

    The Abissid dynasty was a result of the revolts against t the Umayyads that begain in 680 and ended when Abu Albba defeated the Umayyads in 750. The Abbisid dynasty held the golden age of Islam durring Caliph Harun-al-Rashid(786-809). This Dynasty was more based on the peaceful spread of Islam through knowladge and trade. They built a new capital in 762 which they called Baghdad. It was also home to the center of knowladge the University in Baghdad. They ruled peacfuly until Baghdad fell(1258).
  • Jan 1, 762

    A New Economical Center

    A New Economical Center
    Once fully constructed Baghdad, the capital of the Abissid dynasty, became the economical center of the Islamic world. It had ties to the European territories along with ties the the territories in Central Aisa. The markets held merchendice consisting of anything from rugs to paper. The establishment of this market place was important because it oppened trade routes to the capital of the Islamic Empire allowing funds for protecting the borders an war expeditions aswell as many other projects.
  • Jan 1, 1258

    The Fall of Baghdad

    The Fall of Baghdad
    Baghdad fell to the Mongols and when the capital of the Abissid dynasty fell hope was lost and the Islamic empire fell and the Ottoman Turk empire begins.
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  • Sources And Additional Picture URLs

    A New Economic Center pic.:
    Title pic.:
    The Factional Dissputes pic.:
    Duker, William J., Spielvogel, Jackson J.. The Essential World History. 1800. Sixth Edition. Boston,MA: Suzanne Jeans, 2011, Print.
  • A New Center of Knownlage

    A New Center of Knownlage
    The Son of Harun-al-Rashid, al-Ma'mun founded an astronomical observitory in Baghdad (built in 762) and paved the way for undertaking translations of Greek classical works. It would later become the world wide center of knowladge bring thousands to baghdad to teach and learn and als spreading the message of Islam peacefuly through the Qura'an and other written and oral works.

    Picture URL: <a <a>