Creation of masters
First masters degrees in Education and Teaching of English were created. -
Bachelor's degree 2015-2
Then the need for the formation of the degree programs, the faculty create the degree in English teaching, Arts and technology for the creation and primary basic were created. -
2 vol Bachelor's degree 2016-1
However there was still the need to met the needs of culture therefore they created a degree in Language and literature, Natural sciences and Social and human studies. This hapened a semester after the first degrees. -
Pedagogical output
The first pedagogical output was made to Pasto, Nariño. -
Teachers day
The first celebration of the teachers day was with for three teachers from different cities of Colombia were brought. -
Change of names
By a law of the ministry of education, it was roled that all degrees must have a generic name, for this reason fourt of the degrees changed their name, wich are: Social sciencces, Art with emphaisis in tecnology for creation, Foregin languages whit emphasis on english and Literature and spanish language. -
Teachersd day
The second celebration of the teachers day was held for two best teachers of Colombia were brought. -
The students of degree of third semester present their pojects at Eduatic event. -
Second pedagogical output
The second pedagogical output was made to Medellín, Antioquia.