High School Through College Timeline

  • High School Graduation

    High School Graduation
    -Class of 2013
    -65.9% of Students Choose to Attend College After High School
    -Close to a 5% decrease in students electing to attend college from 2010-2013
    -In recent times, there is a downward trend of students electing to attend college post high school graduation.
    -About 3.3 million students will graduate from high school.
  • Period: to

    Transfer Student Timeline

  • Start of College

    Start of College
    -Approximately 7 milion students will attend a junior college, and 13.2 million will attend a four-year college.
    -Appromimately 17.3 million students will enroll in an undergraduate program.
    -Approximately 12.2 million students in undergraduate programs are under age 25
    -3 million students will enroll in a graduate program.
    -The average tuition, fees, room, and board for 2013 was $15,640 for public schools, $40,614 at private nonprofit institutions, and $23,135 at private for-profit institutions
  • College Dropouts

    College Dropouts
    -Less than 2/3 of 4-year college students will graduate
    -More than 75% of students that take a remedial class graduate
    -30% of college students drop out after their first year
    -A high school graduate earns 84% less than the average college graduate
    -A person without a college degree is twice as likely to be unemployed than a person with a college degree
  • 2-Year College Grads

    2-Year College Grads
    -Approximately 7.4 million undergraduate students are enrolled at a 2-year college
    -15.1% of graduates from a 2-year college completed a bachelor's degree within 6 years.
    -The average cost of 2-year college in 2015-2016 was $3,435.
    -Average student debt after graduating from a 2-year school was $11,771
    -33% of 2-year students transfer to a 4-year school within 6 years.
  • College Graduation

    College Graduation
    -Approximately 20% of degrees earned are business degrees.
    -Average earning for a person with at least a bachelor's degree is $45,500
    -As low as 4% of people with a bachelor's degree are unemployed
    -802,000 students will receive a masters degree in 2015-2016
    -179,000 students will receive a doctorate degree in 2015-2016