Period: to
A Naw Nation
first constitutional convention
This was when the first assebuly of the states came together to begin making their own constitutions. first held in pennsylvania, many bordering states began havingtheir own types of conventions. this prosses intern spread all across the country as more states took the initiative. this sparked the method in which the state constitutions were having to be written and approved. -
first slave abolition law
first passed in pennsylvania, this was a gradual law that slowly took away the bondage of slavery. it stated that all children born to slave mothers after march of 1780, would be freed when they turned 28 years old. this law had to be gradual because southern slave owners would have been mad if they last all their slaves instantly.this law was important because it started up the abolition laws of the north. -
shays rebellion
In 1786 when Massachusetts's farmers got mad about the debt hearings they closed down the courts. Daniel Shay who was Revolutionary War veteran led them. The Massachusetts government was unable to stop this because about one fourth of the potential soldiers for the state were involved. This was important because it showed the problem in the federal governments and it also showed how far they would go. This also contributed to the creation of the Constitution. -
ratification of the constitution
In 1787 the delegates in the Philadelphia signed the Constitution. After this it was sent out to all of the states. Many states ratified quickly but New Hampshire in 1788 was the ninth state to ratify which put the constitution into effect. This was important because it created a strong central government in the U.S. and helped fix many problems. It gave power to the Federal government, which helped them tax and raise armies. -
george washington becomes president.
This was important because George Washington was the first president. He appointed Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson in his cabinet. He was an independent and he often listened to Hamilton and Jefferson but usually sided with Hamilton. Hamilton was a federalist, which made the federalist vision show through and made the federal government stronger. -
bank of the untied states was established
This was important because it created a central place for the federal government's money. It also regulated state banks. It allowed wealthy Americans to put their money in the bank and benefit even more. It also encouraged growth and allowed the US to make more money and pay off debts, which was huge after the Revolutionary War. -
bill of rights ratified
This was important because it was one of the main missing things in the constitution. Without this being added the American people would be missing some of the basic rights they deserve. This was also important because some states didn't want to ratify the constitution without those basic rights mentioned and this satisfied their wants. It also made it so the national government didn't get too powerful and take away from the rights of the people. -
Jay Treaty created
This treaty established Great Britain as America's primary trading partner. It was important because it allowed us not to be blockaded for trade in the Atlantic. Great Britain allowed us to trade non-military goods with France. This created much protest in America and also controversy with France. France and Britain were fighting a war and France assumed that we were siding with Britain because we had a treaty with them but we wanted to stay neutral. -
XYZ affair
John Adams sent three men to negotiate with France. When those three men got there, France wanted 250,000 dollars each just to talk with them and if America refused they would consider it an act of war. Adams refused and brought the three men back. This was important because it showed that America wouldn't pay money for tribute. It also led to the Quasi War and other conflicts. -
Quasi war
This was important because it was a conflict between France and America, which complicated many things in Europe. Our Navy defeated their navy most of the time with the help of Britain's navy also. This stopped a possible French invasion into America and also allowed America to trade freely. -
Alien and sedation acts
These gave many powers to the federal government and took away some rights of the people. The Sedition act made it so people could not conspire together or opposed the government. This clearly went against the freedom of speech and freedom of the press. This made people very angry and also showed the power of the government and moved them closer to tyranny. -
Barbury wars
This was when America was trying to trade in the Mediterranean and pirates attacked them. President Jefferson sent troops over seas to free the hostages. This was important because it was the first time that America sent troops over seas. America ended up freeing the hostages and being allowed to trade in the Mediterranean, which was a very good thing for the economy. -
Marbury VS Madison
This established Judicial Review. This case made it so that courts cold decide what cases they wanted to hear and what cases they didn't want to hear. It was about how John Adams nominated William Marbury but then Jefferson's administration did not commission it. -
Louisianna Purchase
This was when President Jefferson bought land west of the Mississippi River. This was important because it almost doubled the size of America. It also sparked conflicts with the Indians and Great Britain. It eventually led to the War of 1812. -
the lewis and clark expodition
Thomas Jefferson appointed Meriwether Lewis who brought along his friend William Clark to go explore west. This was important because they had not yet settled or explored the west since they bought Louisiana Purchase. They learned many things about the land and the Indians. They also kept many detailed maps, which helped them later. -
the embargo act
This was important because it didn't allow any trade with other countries. This hurt America's economy because the prices in America were lower than the prices that the farmers were able to charge overseas. It was also hard to enforce and it increased smuggling into Canada. It was also important because it led to Giles Enforcement Act. -
War of 1812
This was important because it was the first time that America won a war without the help of any other country. It also ended the threat of Britain's attempt to colonize America again. It also had Britain finally leave America. -
the Hartford Convention
This was important because it was the Federalist getting together because of their loss of power. They put forward and proposed things. Some of those included removal of the three-fifths clause and one term limit for the president. There were other proposals too. This was important because these proposals were huge amendments and they would change many things. -
missouri compromise
This was important because it solved the problem of what states in the Louisiana Purchase would become slave states and which ones would become free states. It was also important because it kept a balance in the legislature. It also created a divide between the states. -
the Monroe Doctorine
This was important because it shows the rest of the world that America is not just some small country to be taken advantage of. It also says that America will not be colonized again because they are an independent republic