Life as it is

By szhaoo
  • Birth

    I was born in Beijing, China on March 29th, 1995.
    The doctors expected a boy but I turned out to be a girl..
    My mother said I cried the whole night after I was born
    This even starts my life and my timeline
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    Life As It Is

  • Moving From USA to Canada

    Moving From USA to Canada
    I left China at the age of 2 and moved to Pennsylvania in America. After living there for three years, I then moved to Toronto, Canada. I remember the night I arrived here I was exhausted but very excited to be living in Canada.
  • Discovering Santa Doesn't Exist

    Discovering Santa Doesn't Exist
    I found the receipt for my Christmas present in my father's car and that's when I realized Santa wasn't real. It was really sad but funny finding out this way and every Christmas, my family has a good laugh over it. Now, my parents buy my presents straight up.
  • Being at Richmond Green for Grade 4

    Being at Richmond Green for Grade 4
    My elementary school, Lincoln Alexander was not built by the time school started so we used Richmond Green as our temporary school. Richmond Green was just built as well and being in grade four, it was extremely exciting being the only people there. We were so tiny and had huge lockers and classrooms. I can still remember where my grade four locker and classroom were. It makes me feel happy that I can say my class was in the school before anyone else was!
  • Getting My Head Stapled

    Getting My Head Stapled
    This event happened on the last day of grade four. After I went home on the last day, I was about to go to sleep but I accidentally hit my head against the backboard of my bed. There was a big gash and I had to go to the North York Hosipital to get it stapled 5 times. I think this was the most pain I have ever been in because they stapled my head without numbing it. This was my first and hopefully only trip to a hospital
  • Vacation to France and England

    Vacation to France and England
    In the summer of 2006, my mother took me to France and London for vacation. I was very excited because I just started learning French in school and was ready to use it. Being in another country was very exciting and I got to visit all the typical tourist attractions there. However, I regret that she took me when I was young because I think I would appreicate it more now.
  • Grade 8 Grad Trip

    Grade 8 Grad Trip
    My grade eight grad trip was one of the happiest times of my life because I loved my grade. We were all very close and had a lot of fun in Quebec. It was fun going on a trip and fooling around with my best friends. We went skiiing on huge mountains, went on dog sleds and even had taffy cooled from the snow. The hotels were extremely amusing because it was like a four day sleepover.
  • Watching Harry Potter for the First Time

    Watching Harry Potter for the First Time
    My friend dragged me out in the summer for the midnight preview of Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. At that time, I didn't even like Harry Potter, I just wanted to see a movie. However, after watching the movie, I changed my mind and bought all the books and movies. Last Thursday, Taylor, Ashley and I went to the midnight preview of the Deathly Hallows which was surreal to see so many people who are was crazy as we were
  • First Day of Gr 9

    First Day of Gr 9
    The first day of grade nine was very important because it really affected how I am today and who I'm friends with. I remember I was nervous, but felt comfoted that I have been to the school before so atleast I wouldn't get lost. I remember making new friends from different schools and seeing everyone again was very exciting.
  • 2010 Winter Olympics

    2010 Winter Olympics
    These Olympics were very exciting because they were held in Canada, so I had to watch them. I remember bonding with a lot of people talking about the Olympics and our favourite athletes (Patrick Chan, Tessa Virtue & Scott Moir ) We would get together and watch the speed skating races which were extremely exciting and nerve wrecking. The final hockey game nearly gave me a heart attack when we won! Overall, the Olympics were a happy time of my life and I'm proud they were held in Canada.
  • Going to the Bahamas

    Going to the Bahamas
    My family went to the Bahamas this summer for vacation. It was really interesting and fun to visit a tropical country. This was the first time I actually got sunburnt, I usually tan a lot. It was very relaxing being by the beaches and fun to walk around the local streets and experiencing a new culture.
  • Buying a hamster

    Buying a hamster
    My friends and I decided to buy a hamster recently. We named her Siu Mai, which is a Chinese dim sum dish because that's what we were eating before we got her. She's also tiny, around the size of the actual food. Currently, she's at my friend's house because we're rotating taking care of her. She makes me happy whenever I see her and it gives us something to take care of.