Scientific Revolution

  • Feb 19, 1473

    Birth of Nicolas Copernicus

    Birth of Nicolas Copernicus
    Nicolas Copernicus was a Renaissance astronomer, priest, and the first person to formulate a comprehensive heliocentric cosmology, Among the great polymaths of the Renaissance, Copernicus was a mathematician, astronomer, physician, artist, atholic cleric, jurist, governor, military leader, diplomat and economist.
  • Aug 10, 1519

    Circumnavigation of the Globe.

    Circumnavigation of the Globe.
    Ferdinand Magellan famously completes the first circumnavigation of the globe.
  • Jan 1, 1569

    Derard Mercator

    Derard Mercator
    The noted cartographer Gerard Mercator (1512-1594) publishes his justly famous cartographic projection system.
  • Simon Stevin

    Simon Stevin
    In mathematics, Simon Stevin (1548-1620) proposes the use of decimals.
  • Giordano Bruno burned at the stake for heresy.

    Giordano Bruno burned at the stake for heresy.
    He was quickly turned over to the secular authorities and, on February 17, 1600 in the Campo de' Fiori, a central Roman market square, "his tongue imprisoned because of his wicked words" he was burned at the stake. His ashes were dumped into the Tiber river. All Bruno's works were placed on the Index Librorum Prohibitorum in 1603.
  • Galileo's discovery with the telescope

    Galileo's discovery with the telescope
    Galileo did not actually invent the telescope himself. Rather he heard about the invention, designed his own, and was the first to turn it towards the heavens. Galileo's telescope for the first time revealed that the Moon was blemished and imperfect.
  • Trial of Galileo

    Trial of Galileo
    Two worlds come into cosmic conflict. Galileo's world of science and humanism collides with the world of Scholasticism and absolutism that held power in the Catholic Church. The result is a tragedy that marks both the end of Galileo's liberty and the end of the Italian Renaissance.
  • Isaac Newton is BORN :D

    Isaac Newton is BORN :D
    Isaac Newton was an English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, alchemist, and theologian, and is considered by many scholars and members of the general public to be one of the most influential people in human history.
  • Newton announces Color Theory

    Newton announces Color Theory
    Newton sends brief exposition of his theory of colors to the Royal Society in London, which republishes it in the Royal Society's Philosophical Transactions, leading to criticism of Newton.
  • Newton dies.

    Newton dies.
    For the last twenty-three years of his life, Newton didn’t publish any scientific works. Sir Isaac Newton died on March 31, 1727. He was buried in Westminster Abbey. This was an important honor.