Period: to
Policy and Procedures
8/26 Get signed Course Guide signed by a parent and bring supplies! -
Period: to
1st Grading Period
Period: to
Equivalent Forms of Rational Numbers and Squares and Roots
9/4 Name that Coordinate Worksheet
9/6 Square Root Practice Students will extend previous knowledge of sets and subsets using a visual representation to describe relationships between sets of real numbers and approximate the value of an irrational number, including π and square roots of numbers less than 225, and locate that rational number approximation on a number line. -
Period: to
Solving Problems and Scientific Notaion
9/9 Rational Number Worksheet Students will be expected to convert between standard decimal notation and scientific notation and order a set of real numbers arising from mathematical and real-world contexts. -
Football Fantasy Project Due!
Period: to
Week 2
9/16 TAKS Practice
9/19 Field Trip Funding worksheet
9/20 Rational Flow Chart worksheet Students will be expected to convert between standard decimal notation and scientific notation and order a set of real numbers arising from mathematical and real-world contexts. -
Scientific Notation Quiz!!
Period: to
Real World Rational Numbers
9/23-9/26 Unit 1 Review Students will be expected to compare and order rational numbers in various forms including integers, percents, and positive and negative fractions and decimals; select and use appropriate forms of rational numbers to solve real-life problems including those involving proportional relationships and approximate (mentally and with calculators) the value of irrational numbers as they arise from problem situations. -
Real World Rational Number Quiz!!
Unit 1 CBA
Period: to
Mulitplying by a Constant and Slope
10/2 Evaluating Linear Relationships worksheet Students will solve problems involving direct variation, distinguish between proportional and non-proportional situations using tables, graphs, and equations in the form y = kx or y = mx + b, where b ≠ 0 and write an equation in the form y = mx + b to model a linear relationship between two equations. -
Period: to
2nd Grading Period
Period: to
10/8 Proportionality worksheet Students use concepts of proportionality to explore, develop, and communicate mathematical relationships. They will also compare and contrast the attributes of a shape and its dilation(s) on a coordinate plane. -
Proportionality Project Due!
Period: to
Similar Figures
10/15 Similarity worksheet
10/16 Rectangle worksheet Students will understand the proportionality of congruent shapes. -
Similar Figures and Proportionality Quiz!!
Period: to
Proportion and Scale Factor
10/21-10/23 Study for Unit 2 CBA! The student can identify examples or proportional and non-proportional functions both in the math room and the real world. -
Unit 2 CBA Part 1
Unit 2 CBA Part 2
Period: to
Percents, Similarities and Rates
10/29 Wheel Deal worksheet
10/30 Percent worksheet
The students will be able solve application problems involving determining the greatest and least percenage of change of different rates, problems involving commission, tax and tip and can use benchmark percents to estimate solutions. -
Period: to
11/5 Tip and Tax worksheet
11/6 Percentage worksehet -
Percentage Quiz!!
Period: to
3rd Grading Period
Period: to
Proportional Vs. Non-proportional Relationships
11/12 Graphing worksheet
11/13 Proportional or Non-proportional? worksheet The student can tell the difference between proportional and non-proportional problems using equations, graphs and tabular data in the form of y=kx and y=mx+b when b does not equal 0. -
Unit 3 CBA
Proportional Vs. Non-Proportional Relationships
Percentage, Similarity and Rates -
Period: to
Simple Interest
The student is expected to estimate and find solutions problems invovling percentages. -
Simple Interest Quiz!!
Multiple Representation Mobile Due!