
Educatoin Technology

By akappel
  • Education and Radio

    WHA begins broadcasting music education programs on the radio
  • Visual Instructional Movement

    The National Education Association (NEA) establishes the Division of Visual Instruction as school administrators become interested in the use of new media, such as slides and motion pictures, to improve instruction.
  • Films in classrooms

    An NEA survey reports that 52% of schools are using silent films and 3% are using sound films
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    Military and innovation

    Military training during World War II propelled rapis advances in the use of technology and the programmatic design of instruction. The U.S. Government produced 457 instructional training films and purchased 55,000 film projectors.
  • First computer used for instruction

    Computer-driven flight simulator trains MIT pilots.
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    Instructional Television

    Used in the classroom as early as 1939
  • First computer used with school children

    IBM 650 computer teaches binary arithmetic in NYC
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    University time-sharing systems

    Faculty/students in universities across the country use mainframe systems for programming and shared utilities.
  • Sesame Street

    The Children’s Television Network Workshop produces “Sesame Street,” which is based on educational research.
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    Computer-assisted instuction (CAI) movement emerges

    Large-scale, federally funded university projects use mainframe/minicomputer systems with schools.
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    Mainframe and minicomputer applications dominate field

    Schools begin using computers for instruction and administration. CDC President William Norris(1977) announces PLATO will revolutionize instruction.
  • First Microcomputers enter schools

    Using desktop systems, classroom teachers begin to take back control of instuctional and administrative applications from distict dataprocessing offices.
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    CAI movement declines; computer literacy movement begins

    Arthur Luehrmann coins term computer literacy for skills in programming and using software tools. Molner warns that non-computer literate students will be educationally disadvantaged.
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    Microcomputer applications spawn movements

    Field focuses on software publishing initiatives and teacher authoring software. The computer literacy computers-as-tools approach gives way to Logo's computer-based, problem-solving approach.
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    Integrated Learning Systems (ILSs) emerge

    Schools begin to see ILS networked systems as cost-sffective solutions for instruction to address required standards; marks movement away from stand-alone systems and toward central server with connected computers.
  • World Wide Web (WWW) is born

    First browser (Mosaic) transforms a formerly text-based internet into a combination of text and graphics. Teachers enter the "Information super highway."
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    Blogging becomes popular

    Bolgging becomes an online tool that allows for teachers and students to communicate with people that are not within a close distance.
  • International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) creates standards

    ISTE sponsors creation of National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) to guide technology skills, first for students, then for teachers and administrators.
  • Google Founded

    Google is founded and changes the way the internet is used. Provides a user friendly interface for easy access to the world wide web.
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    Internet use explodes

    Online and distance learning increases in higher education, then in K-12 schools.
  • Youtube.com

    Youtube is created makes a vast amount of information readily available to teachers and students though a free online video site.
  • Itunes released new version with podcast availability

    Itunes makes podcasts readily available. People can have their podcast update automatically.
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    International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)

    issues new, updated standards for teachers, students, and administrators.