7.01 Pedagogy and Curricuum

  • CBL - Session1

    CBL - Session1
    Introduction to AP1, proposal, AP2
  • CBL - Session2

    CBL - Session2
    Dropbox Proposal for feedback
  • SBL - WK11

    SBL - WK11
    Discuss focus area for development and share project proposal with MT
    • Create Evernote and share with lecturers
    • Talk to nancy, luke and cindy about effective pedagogy they use and resources they might suggest
  • Evernote

    Create Evernote and share with TE's
  • Evernote (1)

    Evernote (1)
    Entry 1:
    Initial thoughts of focus area
  • Period: to

    School Holidays

    School Holidays
    Work on AP1 - gathering resources and working on justification
  • AP1 - Part 1

    AP1 - Part 1
    Project plan
    1000 words plus timeline
  • SBL - WK14

    SBL - WK14
    Observe in Junior (Trina), Middle (Nancy), and Senior (Luke) classrooms with a focus on how they cater to the needs of their maori learners.
  • Evernote (2)

    Evernote (2)
    Entry 2:
    Relevant readings and how this course is developing my thinking
  • CBL - Session3

    CBL - Session3
    Teacher dispositions and approaches (L318)
  • SBL - WK15

    SBL - WK15
    • Gather resources the school may have to support maori learners -policy/charter
  • Evernote (3)

    Evernote (3)
    Entry 3:
    Post obs and wonderings linked to my focus area
  • CBL - Session4

    CBL - Session4
    Pedagogy, theories and the NZC Formative AP1 opportunity
  • SBL - WK16

    SBL - WK16
    Gather class plans
    Observe in middle school classrooms
  • Evernote (4)

    Evernote (4)
    Entry 4:
    Write reflection from meetings with teachers and what implications could be from those meetings
  • SBL - WK17

    SBL - WK17
    Talk with two teachers (Cindy, Trina?) about developing philosophy Talk to a local family about philosophy
  • CBL - Session5

    CBL - Session5
    Professional teaching philosophy
  • Evernote (5)

    Evernote (5)
    Entry 5:
    Notes from meeting with teachers an local family around philosophy
  • CBL - Session6

    CBL - Session6
    Incorporating literacy and class planning; emerging philosophies Take school plans (group, class, syndicate, weekly, term) to CBL
  • SBL - WK18

    SBL - WK18
    Discuss with teachers how successful intergration in achieved
    theme, topic, inquiry or some other way?
    Continue observing in other classrooms gathering data and artefacts
  • Evernote (6)

    Evernote (6)
    Entry 6:
    Reflective thoughts on how I am coping and wat have been the benefits/challenges of this focus area
  • CBL - Session7

    CBL - Session7
    Key comps, Effective ped and cross-curricular integration
  • Evernote (7)

    Evernote (7)
    Entry 7:
    Share observations/Artefacts and plans on evernote
    - reflect on successful integration and how its achieved
  • AP1 - Part 2

    AP1 - Part 2
    Report 1
    developing understanding of relevant pedagogy around our focus area
    2000 words
  • Period: to

    Semester BREAK

    Work on AP2
    Written Philosophy and Justification 2000 words
  • AP2

    Deveopling Philosophy
    - Written statement 1000 words
    - Justification of teaching philosophy
    - Oral presentation
  • CBL - Sessions8/9

    CBL - Sessions8/9
    Philosophy Presentations
  • Evernote (8)

    Evernote (8)
    Entry 8:
    My philoposhy
    Write a peice about my philosophy and why this is important to me . What does this have o do with my focus area? How has it changed so far?
  • CBL - Session10

    CBL - Session10
    Thinking tools
  • SBL - WK29

    SBL - WK29
    Discuss with Leigh
    * Knowledge of learner
    *Knowledge of THE learner
    *Instructional strategies Think about creation of A4 flyer
  • Evernote (9)

    Evernote (9)
    Entry 9:
    Share a few notes from MT around
    - knowledge of learning, knowledge of the learner and expectations
  • Period: to


  • SBL - WK36

    SBL - WK36
    Accessing and reading literature for AP2 report 2000 words Work towards creation of A4 flyer ... get ideas from flyers at school
  • Evernote (10)

    Evernote (10)
    Entry 10:
    Photo of Noho Marae
    How this is important and how the cultural competencies fit into teaching pactice
  • CBL - Session 11

    CBL - Session 11
    Noho Marae with Year 2's
    Cultural competencies and support networks
  • Period: to

    School holidays

    Work towards AP2
    - gather resources
    - Draft 2000 words
  • SBL - WK40

    SBL - WK40
    Access and reading relevant literature for AP2 2000 words
  • CBL - Session12

    CBL - Session12
    Effective practice dimensions; varying pedagogies
  • Ap1 - Part 2

    Ap1 - Part 2
    Report 2 - 2000 words
    demonstrating thorough knowledge of focus area
    - personal growth
    - critical reflections
    - self-evaluations Artefacts/Notebook/Leaflet
  • CBL - Session13

    CBL - Session13
    Sharing of learning
  • Evernote (11)

    Evernote (11)
    Entry 11:
    Flyer and leaflet on evernote