Jan 1, 632
Muhammad Dies
Jan 23, 632
Abu Bakr takes over
Period: Apr 5, 632 to Jan 1, 634
First Calph (Aba Bakr)'s reign
Dissenters are disloyal to him b/c they believed they only pledge loyalty to Muhammad. This is the father of Muhammad's favorite wife. Tribes had broken away to get thier independence. A revolt was a political and economical. Some of the rebels are going to be drawn back into the group by the prospect of taking lucrative what they called Ghazu Raids on neighboring lands -
Jan 23, 634
Umar' takes power
Period: Jan 23, 634 to Nov 23, 644
Umar's Reign
Raise the Ghazu Raids to a new Height. Back when Muhammad reigned arab groups were attacking muslim groups and he tried to put a stop to it. So Umar tried to put them on Non-Muslim groups.And was later killed in 644 -
Nov 23, 644
Umar is murdered
HE was stabbed by a Persian Prisoner -
Period: Dec 23, 644 to Jan 23, 656
Uthman's Reign
MArried to Muhammad's daughter.He was weaker then the other Calph but he governened well. He gained new Territory. Some of his angry followers broke into his house and kill him. -
Jan 23, 656
Uthman is Assinated
Period: Jan 26, 656 to Jan 23, 661
Alli's reign
He is married to another one of Muhammad's daughters. HE doesn't try to advenge Uthman's death. there was a 5 year civil war known as the Fitnah "time of Temptation". in 661 he is murdered. -
Period: Jan 23, 661 to Jan 23, 750
Umayyad Dynasty
Their capital was in Damasus in Syria. They directed the conquest that carried Islam from the Atlantic to the Indus Valley.they could direct military action and conquest from their new capital. Resentment among the Shiite. -
Jan 31, 661
Alli's Death and New leader
HE dies in 661. The Umayyad family set up a dynasty that rulled until 750. (they bought the posotion from Alli's son) -
Jan 23, 732
Battle of Tours
TheMuslims advance into Europe stopped. -
Jan 23, 750
Abbassid Dynasty
Abu al-Abbas established the Abbassid dynasty. over the next several centuries, Muslim merchant ships travel around the Abbassid empire and beyong -
Period: Jan 23, 750 to Jan 23, 1258
Abbassid dynasty
Killed the Umayyad family at a banquet. more of a dominace from the North instead of the Arabs. Moved to Iraq. strong persian tradtitions. Islam is becoming a universal religion. -
Jan 23, 1099
Christinas try to capture Jerusalem -
Jan 23, 1206
Muslims set up Delhi sultanate in Northern India. from atop the tower Indian Muslims are called to Prayer