Teaching- a long and winding road

By cgaudi
  • Finish student teaching Spanish at York High School

    My first experience "teaching"- not very good models to follow but it was wonderful!
  • Teach Spanish 101-102 at the University of Wisconsin

    I spent this year working on my MA in Spanish, financed by working as a TA, teaching Spanish 101-102. Now I really was a teacher- I had students from age 18 to age 40 and it was a great learning experience as well.
  • Hired by VBCPS

    I have a real full-time teaching job! I am teaching Spanish 1 and Spanish 2. SO excited!
  • Worst first year ever

    So much for my teaching career. About every other day I went home feeling like a failure. I investigated law school, getting and MBA... anything to get me out of this job that was so frustrating to me. But I did get married and that was going well!
  • Whew, I can actually do this.

    Ok, I gave it another year, and what a difference a year makes. I might actually be able to do this after all.
  • Travel to Mexico with students

    My first trip taking students to another country. What a wonderful experience for them and for me. It really brings the language alive for all of us.
  • New department chair and new mom

    Oh my- I have just been named Foreign Language Dept Chair and I have a 6-week-old baby girl. Can this work? Both are so exciting!
  • Receive CAS in Education from W&M

    Finally finished another degree. Just in time, because my job and my family are taking up some major time now!
  • Now I have a son! And teaching is still great fun!

    Now that I have two children, will I still have time for this job that I have gorwn to love so much? I think so!
  • PA Teacher of the Year

    What an honor that my colleagues selected me as Teacher of the Year from our high school
  • Teaching and learning

    Family life and teaching are a good combo. I also still need to attend conferences (a month at a NEH workshop on Mexico, state and national professional conferences, local workshops) because a teacher never stops learning how to do it better.
  • 20 year anniversary and a FIRE

    Just as we were finishing up the pre-service week that would start my 20th year of teaching, Princess Anne HS was destroyed in a fire. While this was a disaster, it was also a time for re-evaluation. Now that all my teaching supplies and materials had been destroyed, this was a great opportunity to start anew. I tried different approaches and found that the support for us and the lack of materials made this one of the most challenging and most rewarding years of my teaching career.
  • More honors

    What an honor to be selected as Foreign Language Teacher of the Year for Virginia Beach and for the state of Virginia
  • The school is rebuilt, IB is going

    Finally the new PA is rebuilt after the fire. We also have our first full class of IB students
  • Can it really be 35 years?

    Time has flown! I have enjoyed teaching both regular classes and IB classes. So many wonderful students and rewarding experiences. Now I have just finished year 35 and I am currently teaching with four teachers in my own department who used to be my students. How wonderful is that? And best of all, my two children have also just been hired to teach in VB. I still have many good years left in me, but I am happy to see this career choice continue to be made by such intelligent and dedicated.