Piaget and 4 developmental stages
Piaget believed that two principles guided intellectual growth and biological development: adaptation and organization. He believed in 4 developmental stages that affect a child's learning. Computer programs (games, videos, etc) found online can teach students different concepts while matching their developmental stage. There are many websites that teachers can access to develop student's phonemic awareness while matching their develop stage. -
Dewey's Experiential Education Learning Theory
Dewey is most known for his beliefts regarding experiential learning. In 1938, he published "Experience and Education" and it had a profound impact on progressive education. Dewey regarded education in a democracy as a tool to enable the a person to integrate his or her culture. Dewey's theory continues to ifluence the design of innovative educational experiences. This theory can be used in conjunction with technology to design activities that allow students to explore a topic. -
Skinner Publishes Science and Human Behavior
Skinner's theory of reinforcement helped to establish the Behaviorism and Programmed Instruction movement, which states that learning should have clear behavioral objectives, small chunck of instruction, self-pacing, and immediate feedback. Teachers can use this theory with technology in many ways. They can use the theory of reinfocement to teach young students how to correctly use a computer, type, open/save documents, etc. -
First computer used for instruction
Computer-driver flight simulator trains MIT pilots. -
Frist computer used with school children
IBM 650 computer teaches binary arithmetic in NYC. -
Bruner and Discovery Learning
Discovery learning is an inquiry-based, constructivist learning theory that takes place in problem-solving situation. According to Bruner, his theory promotes student engagement and motivation, autonomy and responsibility, and develops students' creativity and problem-solving skills. Most modern technology is based on the idea of discovery learning.Students can engage in discovery learning by researching a topic online, engaging in simulations, etc.. -
Vygotsky's Social Development Theory is Published
Vygotsky's theory is one of the foundations of constructivism. His theory consists of three major assertions: (1) social interaction plays a huge role in cognitive development, (2) the more knoweldgeable other refers to someone of a higher ability level, (3) and the idea of zone of proximal development. Modern technology programs can determine a child's ZPD (i.e., accelerated reader, MAP testing, etc). -
University time-sharing systems
Faculty/students in universities across the country use maniframe systems for programming and shared utilities. -
Computer assisted instruction CA movement emerges
Large-scale federally funded univeristy projects use maniframe/minicomputer systems with schools. -
Online University Established
University of Phoenix Online is the Largest Private University in the U.S and offers the largest number of accredited online degree programs of any online institution. Founded in 1976, University of Phoenix was one of the first accredited universities to offer online college education with complete degree programs via the Internet. -
First microcomputers enter schools
Using desktop systems, classroom teachers begin to take back control of instructional and administrative applications form district data-processing offices. -
Maniframe and minicomputer applications dominate field
Schools begin using computers for instruction and administration CDC PResident William Norris (1977) announces PLATO will revolutionize instruction. -
CAI movement declines; computer literacy movement begins
Arthur Luehrmann coins tyerm computer literacy for skills in programming and using software tools (e.g., word processing) Molnar warns that non-computer literate students will be educationally disadvantaged. -
Gagne Addresses the role of instructional technology in learning
Gagne's Conditions of Learning theory states that there are several different levels or stages of learning that all require different types of instruction. A teacher could use the levels/stages of learning to plan a lesson using technology by using online videos, simulations, and activities that would address the various stages of learning. By using differnent representations that can be found online (videos, simulations, etc) the teacher provides the instruction in various ways. -
Microcomputer applications spawn momvement
Field focuses on software publishing initiatives and teacher authoring software. The computer-literacy computer-as-tools approach gives way to Logo's computer-based, problem-solving approach. -
Laptop with fold-down screen is born
The first true laptop computer, which featured a flat display screen that could fold down on the keyboard, was introduced in 1982. -
Gardner's Theory of Multiple Intelligences
Gardner proposed 8 modes of intelligence (linguistic, logical, spatial, kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and natural) to account for a broader range of intelligence in kids and adults. Modern technology can be used to account for all 8 intelligences. The computer is a great way to appeal to multiple intelligences as using a computer or engaging in some sort of online activity that relates to a learning standard requires kids to use several intelligences. -
Integrated Learning Systems ILS emerge
Schools begin to see ILS networked systems as cost=effective solutions for instruction to address required standareds, marks movement away from stand-alone system and toward central server with connected computers. -
World Wide Web WWW is born
First browser transforms a formerly text-based Internet into a combination of text and graphics. Teachers enter the "Information Superhighway". -
International Society for Teachnology in Education ISTE creates standards
ISTE spnsors creation of National Educational Technology Standards to guide technology skills, first for students, tehn for teachers (and administrators). -
Internet use explodes
Online and distance learning increases in higher education, then in K-12 schools. -
Google Launches to Public
Google runs over one million servers in data centers around the world and processes over one billion search requests every day. -
International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)
issues new, updated standards for teachers, students, and administrators