The India Timeline ...By:Willa Mitchel

By willa
  • Period: 500 to


  • Apr 16, 1526

    FIrst Battle of Paniput. Establishedment of mughal Dynasty.

    FIrst Battle of Paniput. Establishedment of mughal Dynasty.
  • First war of Independence

    First war of Independence
  • India National Congress founded

    India National Congress founded
  • The massacre at Julian Wallbagh

    The massacre at Julian Wallbagh
  • Quit India Movement

    Quit India Movement
  • India becomes a Republic. Dr Rajendra Prasad is the first President of India.

    India becomes a Republic. Dr Rajendra Prasad is the first President of India.
  • First gengeral elections, congress government comes to power

    First gengeral elections, congress government comes to power
  • Twenty year tready of friendship with the Soviet Union

    Twenty year tready of friendship with the Soviet Union
  • India deploys troop for peace keeping. Go a becomes the 25th state of india

    India deploys troop for peace keeping. Go a becomes the 25th state of india
  • Congrss Party win in gerneral elections.

    Congrss Party win in gerneral elections.