Jan 1, 632
1st caliphate:- Abu Bakr
The first caliphate after the death of Prophet Muhammad was Abu Bakr. Prophet Muhammad considered him trusted advisor, he also was known as "The truthful", that's why prophet Muhammad made him the 1st caliph.He prevented recently converted Muslims from dispersing.
An important event that happened during the time of Abu Bakr was that Umar motivated Abu Bakr about the compilation of Quran.During the period of Abu Bakr, the population of Muslims grew, He motivated people to convert. -
Jan 1, 632
Abu Bakr
Part of Abu Bakr becoming caliph also deals with his relationship with Prophet.He was Prophet Muhammad's son-in-law.He was married to Aisha.The picture shows the marriage of Abu Bakr with Aisha.
When Gabriel visited prophet to convey Allah's message, Prophet first told the message to Abu Bakr.They both worked together to spread Islam.These factors helped Abu Bakr to become a caliph. -
Jan 1, 632
What Prophet Muhammad thinks of Abu Bakr
The picture shows a qoute from Muhammad Prophet. -
Period: Jan 1, 632 to Jan 1, 632
Timeline of 4 rightly guided clapihs
Period: Jan 1, 632 to Jan 1, 1031
The 4 rightly guided caliphs and the muslim dynasties (Umayyad Empire, Abassid Empire, and Muslim Spain)
Period: Jan 1, 632 to Jan 1, 661
The 4 rightly guided caliphs
Period: Jan 1, 632 to Jan 1, 661
4 rightly guided caliphs
Jan 1, 633
Abu Bakr defeats rebellious Arab tribes
There were some groups of tribes which did not accept Abu Bakr as the caliphate, so Abu Bakr led forces to attack them.He was able to win the battle against the tribes.He also helped the Muslim empire expand.He conquered many parts of Arab during he was caliphate. -
Jan 1, 634
Umar ibn Al-khattab succeeds Abu Bakr
In 634 CE, Abu Bakr dies and Umar succeeds to the caliphate.Abu Bakr made Umar next Caliph because he was a Muslim scholar and his nature was very pious.The advisors of Abu Bakr disagreed on this but Abu Bakr still made him next caliph because he knew Umar well. -
Jan 1, 636
The battle of Yarmouk
Umar deploys forces to attack the Eastern Roman empire to expand the Muslim empire.Umar's army won and they ended the Syrian rule on the eastern Rome.This expanded the Muslim empire. -
Jan 1, 639
Umar Introduces Muslim calender
Umar introduces Muslim calendar also known as Hijri calendar which starts at 639 CE.This calendar marks all the important events in Islam, like eid, Ramadan,etc.The calendar also showed the phases of the moon.
The Hijri calendar was made by noting down the phases of the moon.The Islam strictly follows the phases of the moon.For example in Eid, the moon is crescent.Unlike other calendars, Hijri calendar does not depend upon the seasons of the year.It only depends on moon's phases. -
Jan 1, 644
A Persian slave assassinates Umar
Muslim soldiers captured a Persian slave while attacking Persia.He assassinated Umar in 644 CE.The Persian slave was very angry (the name is not confirmed) at caliphs because they were conquering many parts of Arab including Persia.So he decided to assassinate the caliph to end this.
However he was punished later. -
Jan 1, 644
Succession of Uthman Ibn Affan
After the Umar was assassinated, Uthman Ibn Affan became the next caliph.He was really close to Muhammad prophet, and Umar, so he became next caliph.In fact, he married to prophet's first and second daughter.He married to first one (Ruqayyah) and when she died he married the second one (Umm Kulthum).
Like all other caliphs, he was also very close to other caliphs and prophets.So Umar trusted him and declared him the new caliph (before his death). -
Jan 1, 656
Seize of Uthman , Ali succeeds as the next caliph
People in Egypt started rebelling because of Uthman's nepotism.That is The favoring of relatives or personal friends because of their relationship rather than because of their abilities.People didn't like his leadership that's why they seized him.The Egyptian people didn't like Uthman.They started rebelling.After a lot of rebels, they seized him and then Ali became the next caliph.
Like Uthman, many caliphs were seized in this way. -
Jan 1, 656
The members of Uthman's family show anger against the Uthman's death.They wanted to seize caliphate back from Ali.This led to war between Uthman's supporters and Ali's army.Neither side is able to gain the advantage in the battle.
People of Uthman's family and from Aisha's (aisha was mohammed's widow)family started rebelling.This clash between Ali and Uthman, led to first Islamic civil war.This was first time in Islamic history when muslim people fought with muslims. -
Nov 7, 656
Ali Ibn Abi Talib takes revenge of Uthman's death
Ali wants to take revenge of the Uthman's death from the rebels who killed him, and he finds out that the person behind his death is Muhammad's widow, Ayesha.Uthman's army fights against the rebel's army and wins.This led to various conflict in Arab between the supporters of Uthman and supporters of Ali.The things were getting worse than before.The unity was lost between Muslims.Ali was very disappointed by this. -
Jan 1, 657
Ali's army comprimises
As no one was gaining the advantage in the war, Amar Ibn Al from Ali's side compromises and comes in the favor of Mu'awiya (Uthman's side). -
Jan 1, 657
Ali loses territory
In the war, Ali loses a territory due to lack of his support.The "Kharjities" which was the group that organized rebellions against the Mu'awiya (Uthman's family), Ali, and other caliphs, win. -
Jan 1, 661
Ali is assassinated
There was this group of people during the Ali's caliphate who disliked the caliphs, known as Kharijites.they thought that muslim caliphates cause war between the people.After getting tired of the war they decided to end this up.So Then Kharijites decide to assassinate all the Islamic leaders including Ali because they think that Islamic leaders are the cause of Islamic civil war. -
Jan 1, 661
The Umayyads
The following picture shows the expansion of the Muslim empire during Umayyad's time. -
Apr 13, 661
The Rise of the Umayyad Dynasty
After Ali's execution, a new group Umayyads came to power and chose Mu'awiya as next caliph.Mu'awiya moved the capital to Damascus in 661.
Umayyads changed the law of how the caliphs were appointed.For example, Mu'waiyah chose his son Yazid to become king, instead of leaving that decision to respected elders of islam. -
Jan 1, 669
The massacre at Karbala
Yazid, Mu'wayia's son was infamous for challenging Ali's son, Hussein.When Hussein and his family were traveling to Kufa, in Iraq, Yazid's troops stopped the travelers and demanded that Hussein takes an oath of loyalty to Yazid and the Umayyad dynasty.Hussein refused to do so, and then Yazid's troops slaughtered all the women and children as well as Hussein.This event as still known and is called The massacre of Karbala. -
Jan 1, 680
Another picture for the Massacre at karbala
This picture shows the Massacre. -
Jan 1, 696
Abd Al-Malik
Abd Al-Malik was the greatest of the eastern Ummayad rulers.He reigned for 20 years.He constructed new mosques and made Arabi the most common language.He also unified the coinage of the empire.Instead of making Ruler's image on the coin, he wrote verses from Quran on the coin.He also standardized weights and measures to ensure that trade flows smoothly. -
Jan 1, 696
Coins during Abd Al-Malik
The picture shows the coin that people used during Abd Al-Malik's time period. -
Jan 1, 732
Battle of tours
The successors of Abd Al-Malik expanded the kingdom furthermore, but the European expansion was stopped by the forces of Charles Martel and his Frankish forces and caused a battle between the forces of Umayyad dynasty and the forces of Charles Martel. -
Jan 1, 750
Second picture for the fight between Abbasid and Umayyads.
The picture shows the abbasid revolution. -
Jan 1, 750
Abbasid Seljuq Empire
The Abbasid empire a Persian-Arab coalition from Khorasan, in eastern Iran, challenged the Umayyad dynasty and by 750, seized power over Muslim lands. The Umayyads had been based in
Syria and were influenced by its Byzantine architecture and administration. -
Jan 1, 750
The clash between The Umayyads and the rising Abassids
When the Umayyads tried to expand their kingdom in the west, the Abassids opposed them.They were the people who joined others opposing the empire's secular emphasis.The Abssids sought to kill as many Umayyads as possible, to avoid this later resurgence.But there was one famous Umayyad who successfully escaped the war.His name was Abd Al-Rahman.He was also successful in making his territory in spain. -
Jan 1, 751
The battle of Talas
While Abbasids tried to expand the empire eastwards, they clashed with Chinese.This resulted in the battle of Talas.The Abbasids won the war.The Abbasids also learned the skill of papermaking from the Chinese captive.This skill was then spread throughout the Europe and the middle east. -
Jan 2, 751
This picture shows the art of Paper making.
The Abbasids learned the art of Papermaking from the Chinese captives.The picture shows the press of Paper during the time. -
Jan 1, 755
The Umayyad Empire in Spain (Muslim Spain)
By most accounts, Abd al-Rahman was the lone survivor of the Umayyad dynasty after the Abbasids murdered his extended family. He made his way to Spain within five years, mustered the support of the Umayyad governors and generals still in the region, and established a capital in the city of Cordoba in 755. During his reign, Abd al-Rahman gave most power to Arab Umayyads,
enforced Islam as the official religion and around 785 began construction on the Great Mosque of Cordoba. -
Jan 1, 755
The city of corboda
The picture shows the map of the city of Corboda, durin the time period of the caliph Abd Al-Rahman. -
Jan 1, 762
The capital was moved to Damascus
The Abbasids moved the capital to Baghdad.This was due to the administrators and the culture influence was Persian. -
Jan 1, 850
The Transfer of knowledge in the Muslim kingdom.
The recently built capital of Baghdad, the caliphs founded centers of study, including the Beyt alHikma,or House of Wisdom. Most historians attribute this to Al-Ma’mun, who reigned from 813-33, but some give credit to earlier caliphs. By the mid-800s, brilliant Muslim scholars—manyPersian, but also Arab, Indian and Egyptian—shared their knowledge and writings in Baghdad. Al-Khwarizmi adapted Hindu numerals and developed the numbering system we use today. -
Jan 1, 850
The House of wisdom
The following picture shows the translation taking place from ancient Persian texts to Arabic.House of wisdom was a place where Scholars from all over the world came, to share their knowledge and to translate certain things. -
Jan 1, 929
The peak of Muslim spain
During the time period of Abd Al-Rahman 3, the Muslim Spain reaches its peak.There were a lot of conflict between the religions during that time period.Abd Al-Rahman took advantage of this and made himself as the caliph of that Area.Caliph word represents both religious and political authority in Corboda. Abd Al-Rahman 3 also expanded the empire later to parts of North Africa, and Egypt by defeating many dynasties there. -
Jan 1, 945
The poems in Corboda
In the mid 900s, there was a period where a lot of people started writing poems.This was also due to the effect of the house of wisdom.One such poem is shown in the picture.All the Works of philosophy and science reached Cordoba where libraries and houses of study were formed. -
Jan 2, 1031
The decline of the muslim spain.
The decline of the Muslim Spain or the Umayyads was done by other Muslim dynasties that replaced the empire.However, the other Muslim dynasties lasted till 1492.
Ibn Rushd replaced the Umayyads in 1126 ad.After him as well there were many people who replaced each other, and then there was finally the end of the Muslim empire in Spain. -
Jan 1, 1055
Seljuq Turkmen takes control over the Abbasids.
A seljuq turkmen, who had moved into Baghdad without any notice, took over Baghdad.Their leader, Tugrul Bey, forced the Abbasid caliph to name him sultan.From that point, the empire was ruled in name by the Abbasids, but in practice by the Seljuq.The Seljuq expanded westward, defeating the Byzantines in Turkey and even taking control of Jerusalem. -
Jan 1, 1096
The clash between Christian and Seljuq
When Seljuqs tried to expand the Empire to Jeuraslaem, the christian empire's pope broke down the first crusade.Christian knights seized and held Jerusalem until 1187, when the city was retaken by the greatMuslim general, Saladin. Europeans maintained a presence in the region until the Crusades ended in
1204 and in spite of the conflict, trade flourished between east and west. -
Jan 2, 1096
The following shows the picture of Jerusalem during the time of Seljuq empire. -
Jan 1, 1258
"Rashidun Caliphate Timeline." Rashidun Caliphate Timeline. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Nov. 2016.
"Rashidun." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 23 Nov. 2016.
"Uthman." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 23 Nov. 2016.
"One Account. All of Google." Sign in - Google Accounts. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Nov. 2016.
“Timeline of Islamic Dynasties.” Teach Mideast. Middle East Policy Council. July 18, 2012. -
Jan 2, 1258
The fall of Seljuq Abbasid empire
A group called Mongolians invaded the Abbasid seljuq empire in 1258.The conquerors destroyed the city of Baghdad, burning its palaces and its houses of learning. Although the Mongols would eventually convert to Islam and foster their own cultural achievements, the golden age of the Abbasid dynasty
had come to a close. -
Jan 2, 1258
“Timeline of Islamic Dynasties.” Teach Mideast. Middle East Policy Council. July 18, 2012.
"Spain." Encyclopædia Britannica. Encyclopædia Britannica Online School Edition.
Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 2012. Web. 14 July 2012.
http://school.eb.com/eb/article-70371. -
Dec 2, 1258
The map of mongol empire
The following picture shows the Map of Mongol empire.