Aug 23, 1453
The early European Voyage
1453 the Turks captured Constantinople and cut off the trade routes. -
Feb 10, 1492
The Early European Voyage
1492 he reached the islands of the Caribbean -
Aug 31, 1497
The Early European Voyage
In 1497 They raised the English flag in Newfoundland. -
Dec 25, 1534
In 1534 Jacques Cartier discovered the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the St. Lawrence River -
Sep 6, 1535
Jacques Cartier
In 1535 Cartier's second voyage. -
Nov 24, 1567
Samuel de Champlain
In 1567, Champlain was born at Brouage in western France. -
Samuel de Champlain
1603 he travelled up the St. Lawrence. -
Samuel de Champlain
In 1604 Champlain set up a post in Acadia. -
Samuel de Champlain
In 1608, Champlain moved the head quarters of the colony of New France to Quebec. -
Samuel de Champlain
In 1609, Champlain travelled to Lake Ontario and Lake Champlain. -
Samuel de Champlain
In 1615 second battle with the Iroquois. -
Samuel de Champlain
After 1618, Champlain returned to Quebec, and to improve the settlement of New France. -
Samuel de Champlain
In 1628, under David Kirke orders, the English attacked Quebec. -
Samuel de Champlain
In 1629, Champlain had no chocie but to surrender to Kirk. -
Samuel de Champlain
Samuel de Champlain died in Quebec in 1635. -
The Company Of the One Hunderd Associates
1649 they invaded and destroyed Huronia. -
Royal Government
In 1660, The population increased from two thousand. -
The Company of One Hundred Associates
Population at the time was a little over 2,000 by 1660. -
Royal Government
In 1661, King Louis XIV. took control over the goverenment. -
Royal Government
then increased to over ten thousand by 1670.