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Edmund Husserl Transcendental Phenomenology (1859–1938)

  • "Psychologism": The Foundation

    "Psychologism": The Foundation
    A student of Franz Brentano (1838–1917), known for his work in the philosophy of psychology, Husserl transitioned from being a student of arithmetic to a theorist of "psychologism". Psycologism, is the concept of logic as branch of psychology, Husserl expressed in his early work "Philosophy of Arithmetic" (1891). Though criticized, it was the beginning of Phenomenology.
  • Epistemology and Epoche

    Epistemology and Epoche
    The groundwork for Phenomenology, Husserl developed the concept know as epoche or "bracketing". Similar to epistemology, which is the theory of what justifies belief from opinion, epoche is the concept of one deciphering what they experience from a first-person perspective in order to understand the natural world. This is explained as the processes of ones perceptive understanding, through first hand intentional acts, of interaction with the physical and mental world.
  • Edmund Husserl Transcendental Phenomenology

    Edmund Husserl Transcendental Phenomenology
    Edmund Husserl, renown as the father of phenomenology, developed "Transcendental Phenomenology" the study of the state of "being" in 1913; The conceptual framework for this work, is the theory of consciousness and its relation to the physical world. A video on Phenomenology
  • Intersubjectivity and the "Lifeworld"

    Intersubjectivity and the "Lifeworld"
    In 1936, Husserl finalizes his concept of Transcendental Phenomenology as the "lifeworld"; a world derived by ones perceptions and experiences. This theory is supported by intersubjectivity; what is shared by the conscious mind. Lifeworld is what one understands about the world, based on what one has experienced from the world. It is this conscious intentional interaction with the world, transcending or introducing ones consciousness into it, that defines Transcendental Phenomenology.