World History timeline

By cab
  • Jan 1, 1419

    Portugal- Foundation of the School of Navigation -Prince Henry

    Portugal- Foundation of the School of Navigation -Prince Henry
    Note: No exact date except the year Prince Henry was the son of King John I of Portugal. The School of Navigation was the first school for navigation in the world. It was made to train people in navigation, map-making, and science.
  • Jan 1, 1488

    Portugal- Rounding of the tip of Africa - Bartolomeu Dias

    Portugal- Rounding of the tip of Africa - Bartolomeu Dias
    Note: January is the month but the day is unknown Bartolomeu rounded the Cape of Good Hope without realising it because he was caught in a storm. He called it Cabo Tormentosa or the Cape of Storms. He was the first one to sail around the tip of Africa.
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Spain- Founding of the Americas - Christopher Columbus

    Spain- Founding of the Americas - Christopher Columbus
    When Columbus set out on his voyage he was set on finding India. But instead he landed in Cuba and called the Natives there "Indians" because he believed he had found India. When he returned to Spain he was welcomed as a hero.
  • May 2, 1497

    Canada- England - Founding of Newfoundland and Nova Scotia - John Cabot

    Canada- England - Founding of Newfoundland and Nova Scotia - John Cabot
    Note: That is not the proper date. Since it does not say the date he found it I put the date he set out. John Cabot sailed for England with one ship and eighteen men. He found Newfoundland and Nova Scotia (New Scotland). But when he returned he could not say exactly where he was and when he tried to return he could not find where he landed so he was sent away with shame.
  • Apr 1, 1500

    Portugal- Brazil discovered -Pedro Cabral

    Portugal- Brazil discovered -Pedro Cabral
    Note: April is the month but the first is not the day Pedro first called Brazil Vera Cruz and made every effort to befriend the natives of Brazil. But several days after landing
  • Sep 8, 1522

    Spain- First person to circumnavigate the Globe -Ferdinand Magellan

    Spain- First person to circumnavigate the Globe -Ferdinand Magellan
    Ferdinand Magellan was Portuguese but sailed for Spain. When he set sail he did not plan to circumnavigate the Globe and died before he could go the whole way. His ship arrived at Spain without him because he was killed in the Philippines while attempting to convert some of the tribes
  • Aug 1, 1533

    Spain- Conquering of the Inca - Francisco Pizarro

    Spain- Conquering of the Inca - Francisco Pizarro
    Note: August is month but day is not said. Francisco Pizarro executed the Incan emperor Atahualpa after getting no less than 3 rooms of gold. He then seized control of the Incan Empire for 10 years until he was assassinated by one of his own men.
  • Jan 1, 1534

    Canada- France - Founding of the St. Lawrence and landing at Gospe - Jacques Cartier

    Canada- France - Founding of the St. Lawrence and landing at Gospe - Jacques Cartier
    Jacques Cartier discovered Prince Edward Island. He was the first to map the St. Lawrence River. He gave Canada it's name when misunderstanding the Iroquois word for village for meaning the entire land.
  • Jan 1, 1542

    Spain- Encomiendas abolished

    Spain- Encomiendas abolished
    Encomiendas were slave-run farms that the Spanish had created. The slaves were all Native Americans. But in 1542 the Spanish finally put an end to that cruelty and abolished the ecomiendas.
  • England- Founding of Jamestown

    England- Founding of Jamestown
    Note: Month is correct but there is no day On the voyage to North America by the Virginia Company only one person died. When they arrived they built Jamestown, the first permanent settlement after the failure of the Roanoke colony. The settlers soon faced disease, famine, and death because of the lack of farmers as well as the swampy waters surrounding the settlement.
  • England- France - Founding of Quebec - Samuel de Champlain

    England- France - Founding of Quebec - Samuel de Champlain
    Samuel de Champlain named Quebec from the Algonkin word Kebec meaning "where the river narrows" and it was placed at a very strategic point.
  • Canada- Netherlands- Founding of Hudson River, Hudson Bay, and Hudson Strait -Henry Hudson

    Canada- Netherlands- Founding of Hudson River, Hudson Bay, and Hudson Strait -Henry Hudson
    Henry Hudson was hired by the Dutch East India Company to find a route through the Americas to get to India. He failed in his mission to do this but thanks to his explorations three body of waters are now named after him.
  • England- Plymouth is founded by Pilgrims

    England- Plymouth is founded by Pilgrims
    The Pilgrims were being brought over to the Virginia Colony by the Virginia Company on the Mayflower. However, they were blown of course and landed far-off from the Virginia Colony. So instead they began a new colony named Plymouth.
  • England- New Amsterdam turned into New York

    England- New Amsterdam turned into New York
    The English claimed land from the Dutch basing it on Cabot's voyages. But soon they felt threatened by the presence of New Amsterdam and eventually marched to conquer it. Fortunately the fort was given over willingly and without bloodshed and so New Amsterdam became New York.
  • England- Founding of the Hudson's Bay Company - Edward Cornwallis

    England- Founding of the Hudson's Bay Company - Edward Cornwallis
    The Hudson's Bay Company was created thanks to the extremely successful fur trade. The creation of the Hudson's Bay Company resulted in the company creating a fur trade monopoly and gaining quite a lot of power. Eventually the Hudson's Bay Company joined with its biggest rival the North West Company.
  • Canada- England- Founding of Halifax -Edward Cornwallis

    Canada- England- Founding of Halifax -Edward Cornwallis
    Lieutenant Colonel Edward Cornwallis was charged with building a naval base and fortress. When the settlement was finally built they named it Halifax, after the Earl of Halifax who was the Lord of Trade and Plantations.
  • Canada- France and England- The French and Indian War

    Canada- France and England- The French and Indian War
    This war signalled a turning point in the history of Canada. The French and English both fought against each other for control of Canada after trying to settle disagreements in territorial claims. In the end the French lost and in 1763 the French gave up their land claims in North America to the British
  • England- Acadeans expelled

    England- Acadeans expelled
    Note: September is the month but there is no exact date Colonel Winslow began the expulsion of the Acadeans. He started in September of 1755 but it took two months for enough ships to arrive to expel all of the Acadeans. Once expelled a new name for the Acadeans was created which was "Cajun".
  • Canada- England and France- The Battle of the Plains of Abraham

    Canada- England and France- The Battle of the Plains of Abraham
    The Battle of the Plains of Abraham was fought between the English General James Wolfe and the French General Marquis de Montcalm. The French lost because of their bad tactics though the number of soldiers were roughly the same.
  • Canada- England- New Brunswick colonies formed

    Canada- England- New Brunswick colonies formed
    No information could be found except for year.
  • French- The French Revolution

    French- The French Revolution
    Note: month is correct but there is no exact day After several years of financial crisis and declining economy a revolution stirred. The National Assembly was gradually gaining numbers. So King Louis XVI sent out an army to attack the National Assembly. He then called it off, letting the National Assembly stay formed. Then on July 12 demonstrators and cavalry fought, officially starting the revolution.
  • Canada- Overland route to Pacific Ocean found -Alexander Mackenzie

    Canada- Overland route to Pacific Ocean found -Alexander Mackenzie
    Mackenzie began his trip at Fort Fork and sailed along Peace River and marked his arrival at Bella Coola near the Pacific Ocean by writing words on a rock there and became the first man North of Mexico to travel to the Pacific over land.