4Cs: Creativity, Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration
School faculty, staff, students, parents, and local community participate in the creation of the 21st century school's VISION and MISSION that are focused on inquiry-based learning & action research, critical communities of practice and Arts Integration. The outcomes are the 4Cs (Creativity, Critical Thinking, Communication, Collaboration). -
Period: to
Park Tech Academy
LACMA Classroom (Partnership) Established
LACMA Arts Integration partner. Teachers will partner with the museum resources in order to teach Core content in and through the arts. -
Student Laptops issued
1:1 Student to Device Initiate Commences! -
Hybrid School
School goes hybrid. On campus hours, and "online" on campus hours are part of the master schedule. -
Sister School Partnerships
Sister campuses in South Korea, China, India, and New Zealand established. Teachers and students attend sister schools for a semester. -
All Assessments & Student Work Portfolios ONLINE
Teleportation SCHOOL
Classrooms are not within 4 walls. Students and teachers are able to teleport to other countries and parallel universes to study the interplay of social, hisotrical, and cultural factories of a new people group (or alien being).