
Modern South African History

  • Union of South Africa formed

    The Union of South Africa is formed from the former British colonies of the Cape and Natal and the Boer republics of Transvaal and Orange Free State.
  • Natives' Land Act

    Natives' Land Act is introduced to prevent blacks, except those living in Cape Province, from buying land outside reserves.
  • Apartheid imposed

    The National Party of the Dutch Afrikaners comes to power and imposes apartheid.
  • Group Areas Act

    The Group Areas Act formally segregates the races.
  • Sharpeville massacre

    Police open fire on a crowd protesting apartheid.
  • Apartheid condemned internationally

    The U.N. General Assembly condemns South Africa for apartheid.
  • South Africa declared a republic

    South Africa becomes a republic and leaves the Commonwealth.
  • Mandela sentenced

    ANC leader Nelson Mandela is sentenced to life imprisonment.
  • South Africa banned from the Olympics

    South Africa is banned from the Olympic Games because of apartheid policies.
  • First human heart transplant performed

    Surgeons in Cape Town perform the first ever human heart transplant.
  • South Africa suspended from UN General Assembly

    South Africa is suspended from the UN General Assembly over racial policies.
  • Soweto uprising

    White police gun down teenagers Hector Pieterson and Hastings Ndhlovu, sparking riots across South Africa. Students had been marching to protest a new rule that called for Afrikaans as the language of instruction.
  • Government eases job restrictions

    The South African government eases job restrictions on blacks.
  • F.W. de Klerk sworn in

    F.W. de Klerk is sworn in as acting president of South Africa, one day after P.W. Botha resigned as the result of a power struggle within the National Party. He meets Mandela. Public facilities desegregated. Many ANC activists freed.
  • Nelson Mandela freed

    Nelson Mandela is released from a South African prison after being detained for 27 years as a political prisoner fighting against apartheid.
  • South African general election of 1994

    First general election in which every eligible citizen can vote. Nelson Mandela (ANC) voted in.
  • New constitution approved

    A new constitution is given final approval.