United Nations
U.S., England, France, Russia, China.The UN helped solve disputes, Helped world hunger, helped with education, and provided vaccines.New York City. 1945.This event was important because it helped with a lot of world issues.Society= The UN helped world wide by helping devlope countries. -
Marshall Plan
The marshall plan involved george marshall. The Marshall plan was when the U.S. gave 11 million dollars to western Europe from WW2 in april 1948. The event was important because it made europe appreteate us more. Society: because it helped rebuild city's and homes. -
Brown V.S. Board
Brown V.S Board of education happened in 1896 Plessy V.S. Perguson. In 1954 Oliver Brown wanted to go to a local white school. There were 13 who complained about this "act." Oliver wanted to go to the white school because it was alot closer. The NAACP helped her file a law suit. This event was important to society because it relly inspired many African americans to start to go on strike and ask for cival rights. -
Baby boom
The baby boom occured from 1940s to 1950s. Baby boom was when birth rate increased tremendosly. The population increased from 9 million to 29 millionn. This event was a big impact because it made up for all the loses in ww2. The baby boom helped society because better health care for children and women during this time period. -
Medicaid was created by presedent Lyndon Johnson in 1966. The medicade took place in the U.S.. The event was important because it helped payed hospital bills of citzens over the age of 65. Society: it impacted society because older adults paid more that three times as much for health insurance as younger people. -
Martin Luther King's assassination
On April 4, 1968 James Earl Ray shot and killed MLK with a remington game master rifle. MLK was shot at 6:01 and died at 7:05. Ray was caught in London 2 months later. MLK was buried in Atlanta. His birthday is January 15. Ray stated that he was from he south and he wanted to silence the leader of Americas non-violent civil rights. This affected the society because he was a great civil rights activist and he died without completing his goal of stopping segregation. -
Robert F. Kennedy assassination
Robert F. Kennedy was assassinated by Sirhan Sirhan. This assassination took place June 6 RFK dying at the age of 42. This took place at the Ambassador hotel in Los Angles. This event is important because Sirhan was angry at Kennedy for his support for issrels military politics.
Polotics=Because he was running for presedint. -
Ricard Nixon was former vice prsedent of Eisnhower.Nixon was envolved with the watergate scandle.This occurred June 17, 1972. 5 men break into the democratic "headquartes" were they kept there campaign material.Nixon ossured that he had nothing to do with it. But new evidence was found and was linked to Nixon knowing about the burguraly.The evidence was found in the form of a secret video tape Nixon later resigned before he was fired.This affected society because it brought faith down for the US -
George H.W. Bush
Bush was elected 1988-1992. He was a republican. He had experience in politics as a former vice president. His "big event" was the persain golf war.Some other events were Exxon Valdez and a big oil spill. Bush helped Americans with disabilites. He was also president hen the Berlin wall fell.Some fun facts about Bush were that Bush was a former director of the C.I.A. Also his dog Mille wrote a book that was later published Bush becoming president society because he really helped america. -
Bill Clintin
Bill Clinton was elected 1992-2000. He was a democrat. Bill had former experience with politics as he was former govoner of arkansas. Bills "big event" was he lowered our debt to zero. Bill helped the U.S. health care and he sent 20,000 troops to stop a cival war in a forein country. Fun facts about bill were that his favorite flavor of ice cream was Mango!! Also bill played the saxaphone fairly well. Ths helped society because he got us out of debt. -
9/11 was a date to remember. It was a day that terroists took down the twin towers. This occurred at 7:46 am. There were 2 planes that crashed into the twin towers. One was American airlines flight 11. The other United airlines and flight 175. Both flights from Boston to Los Angels. Another United airline flight 93 was crashed in pensilvania overtaken by passengers who brought the plane down. The man who set all this in stone was Osamin Bin Laden.Laden was killed May 11 2011 by a navy seals team -
Obamas inagoration was located in Washington D.C. on thursday January 20th 2009.The impact was that he was the first African American to become president. Millons of people watched not only in person but on natinol tv. It was the most watched global event. The first lady held the same bible that Aberham LIncoln. Tickets were $1,750 to $20,000. This event of Obama getting inogorated effected society because he was our first African American president and it really inspired people.