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Muslim Empire Timeline

By Ishay
  • Period: 570 to Jun 8, 632


    Muhammad is the founder of Islam and by many Muslims today he is a prophet sent from God. He was born in Mecca (Current day Saudi Arabia). Muhammad spent his life preaching to others of his revelations from God and gained followers which would after his death, spread his ideas. Muhammad died from illness in the city of Medina
  • Mar 31, 600

    Jews under Muhammad

    Throughout his life, Muhammad tried to convert anyone he knows to his relgion. He wanted everyone to follow his religion, including Jews. He made changed to his prayer rituals and tietary practices so Jews would follow him. Although the alterations that he made, they still resisted him. Afterwards, Muhammad's feelings changed towads the Jews and he never thought of the Jews as people that he should protect or friends.
  • Jun 8, 632

    Muhammad's Death

    In the Arab world, Muhammad's death brought confusion unto the followers of the prophet. People did not know who would lead their group because Muhammad did not have a destined successor. In addition, Muhammad would tell his people who to pray to, and how to pray, without him they were not as confident in their prayer services.
  • Period: Mar 31, 634 to Mar 31, 656

    First Three Caliphs

    After arguement and confusion, Abu Bakr, the closest follower of Muhammad, was named the first Caliphate of the Islamic Community. Some claimed that he should not be a Caliph because he was not related to Muhammad and they declared that only descendants of Muhammad are allowed to be a Caliph. Nevertheless, Abu Bakr was named the Caliph and following him were Umar and Uthman.
  • Mar 31, 656

    Conflict of Sunni and Shia

    When Ali becomes the 4th Caliph, many people do not support him and rebel against him. The people of Sunni, the rebels, are supporters of a leader called Mu'awia, and the people of Shia, are the supporters of Ali. Sunnis think that the Caliph should be a descendant of Muhammad, and Ali was not, while the Shias did not think so, and supported Ali. A conflict rose upon the two groups, even after the death of Ali and Muawiya.
  • Mar 31, 700

    Picture of Muhammad

    Picture of Muhammad
  • Mar 31, 700

    Jews under Caliphs

    Muslim Caliphs did not treat Jews as enemies, in fact, they let the Jews practice their religion and protected their rights. Although they tolerated them, they did limit their rights. For example, Jews could not show their face or practice their religion in public, or have bigger houses than Muslims. The Pact of Umar was a proclamation to protect all Jews and Christians. The Muslims made that pact so the Jews or Christians would not be hostile towards them.
  • Period: Mar 31, 700 to Mar 31, 1400

    Muslim Spain

    After the Umayyad Dynasty fell, their leaders fled to Spain. In Spain they set up a dynasty named Al-Andalus.
  • Period: Mar 31, 700 to Mar 31, 1400

    Jews in Spain

    Muslim Spain is one of the most succesful times for the Jewish people. The Jews in Muslim Spain thrived to reach goals and accomplishment that almost no one did at that time. The Jews excelled in math, medication, botany, geometry, poetry, and philosophy. Jewish people had a huge variety of jobs and many famous Jews lived in that time span. The Jews during that time even had jobs at the Muslim government. Samuel Ibn Nagrela, for example achieved great political and military power.
  • Period: Mar 31, 711 to Mar 31, 1492

    Golden Age Of Muslim Spain

    During the Muslim's rule in Spain, they had a golden age. Every aspect of the country, from government to architecture strived. The Muslims built libraries, flourished in literature and poetry, and advanced in medicine and agriculture. They set up Cordoba - which was a place where scholars from all over the world would come. The golden age in Muslim Spain stopped when Muslims and Jews were expelled from Spain - it was called the Spanish Inquisition
  • Period: Mar 31, 750 to Mar 31, 1258

    The Abbasid Empire

    The Abbasid dynasty was equally succesful to the Umayyad dynasty. The Abbasid's achievement were that they made crossroads to improve trade, made a code of law, banking systems, excelled in medicine and math, and extended the country's borders even further. The Abbasid empire split into independent states and those states only stayed unified since they shared a common religion.
  • Mar 31, 1000

    Picture of Cordoba

    Picture of Cordoba
  • Period: to Mar 31, 750

    The Umayyad Dynasty

    The Umayyad Dynasty was a dynasty that succeeded and achieved many accomplishments. The first succesful caliph of the Umayyads was Abd al-Malikin. The Umayyads extended the Muslim borders, created a tax system to bring income to the government, established irrigations and had many succesful military conquests. Although the success, the Ummayad's fell by constant rebellions.