1301 Timeline Project

  • Period: 1400 to

    Beginnings of Exploration

    The beginnings of exploration was a time period when European explorers would go out and find new routes for trading. During this time, there were advancements in shipbuilding and ocean navigation technologies. The main cause for the journeys to find more trading routes was the fall of Constantinople when it was conquered by the Ottoman Turks, this made the European in need for more trading routes. But before all of these journeys, there were already many civilization and tribes already there.
  • 1450

    Maya Caste System

    Maya Caste System
    It was like many caste systems. The upper class was made up of rulers, noble, and priest. The middle class was made up of Businessmen, merchants, and soldiers. The lower class were made up mainly of farmers and slaves. Your class was usually determined by inheritance. This system was important because It determined who you can associate with and marry. Given these factor, many people would like to move up the chain but it was nearly impossible to.
  • 1492

    The Colombian Exchange

    The Colombian Exchange
    It was a trade of plants, animals, culture, humans, technologies, and ideas between three places Americas, Old World, and West Africa. It was introduced after the landing of Christopher Columbus. This was an important event as it was the start of the development of the new world, things like the exchange of crops between the new and old world opened up both up to new foods as well as, cultural ideas being shared. One of the negative things that happened was the spread of new diseases.
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    Christopher Columbus set sail in order to find a new, more efficient route to Asia. Since he knew the earth was round he decided to sail east instead of the typical west route. But when he landed he was mistaken and thought he had landed in Asia. This is important because this marked a new chapter in European exploration as more voyages were set out by Columbus and others to explore the "new world". In the end, they were exposed to new plants and animals with the help of trading.
  • Jun 7, 1494

    Treaty of Tordesillas

    Treaty of Tordesillas
    It was an agreement between Spain and Portugal over who gets the rights of a selected section of the newly found land. It began as reports of Columbus discovery of these new lands. Spain was the first to set boundaries, 320 miles west of Cape Verde Island. NO other European countries followed this agreement and Portugal saw it as unfair as they had no space for their African voyages. They remet at Tordesillas and moved the boundaries in order to balance out the powers of the land.
  • 1500

    The Black Death

    The Black Death
    The Black Death was one of the most devastating events ever recorded in human history. It was brought to Europe and Asia in the mid 14th century. It spreads through bites from infected rats and fleas which led to the enormous amount of deaths in Europe. Alone in Europe, 50 million people died, about 60% of their population. This was very important to human history as after the plague ended, new advancements in medicine were developed but also, the price of labor went up due to the shortage.
  • 1503

    The Encomienda System

    The Encomienda System
    It was a Spanish labor system that was put into place during the Spanish colonization of America. As one acquired new land the crown would present them with a portion of native Americans to work as laborers as a prize of conquering that land. The people that were receiving these grants were called the encomendero. They were required to protect and force the native into the Christian faith. It ended as a result of the crown wanting to abolish the system as a whole in 1720
  • French Fur Trading

    French Fur Trading
    It all started with Jacques Cartier when he landed in What now is Canada, he was in search for gold but the only thing that was found was fish and furs. The indigenous people would sell these furs to Europe in trade for tools and liquor. The Europeans used these furs to make coats and hats but were excluded for the more richer. The war between the French and England interrupted the trade and it was all later closed down. This didn't stop the illegal trade of furs though.
  • Period: to

    English Colonial Societies

    The colonial society were wealthy social groups that were divided up into three section. The New England, Middle Colonies, and Southern Colonies. It was like a caste system and how the North was more developed than the middle and southern colonies. So more of the industrial investors went to the North and more of the plantations owner went to the South and had slaves.
  • Mayflower Compact

    Mayflower Compact
    The Mayflower Compact was signed on the Mayflower on 1620. Since the ship was bounded to the colony of Virginia but the storm required them to anchor down. Some of the passengers were furious that this has happened and threatened to use there own power. So with the creation, it allowed the people to be able to follow their own rule so everyone is happy and nobody dies. This is important because it was the first example of a self-government in the New World.
  • Navigation Acts

    Navigation Acts
    The navigational acts were an effort to put the theory of mercantilism into practice. Under this, trade with the colonies would only be conducted only in English or colonial ships. Some of this was designed to protect the colonial interest in goods. The cause of this act was the sudden increase in dutch trade and how it threatened to drive British ships from the sea. This was important as it helped the British shipping grow into isolation which led them to focus on building a strong navy.
  • Indentured Servitude

    Indentured Servitude
    Indentured Servants agreed to work for 4-7 years in return a trip to the New World. It consisted of men, women, and children that did not have the money to afford a trip to the Americas. Signed the contract to agree to work for 4-7 years before being released. After working they had an opportunity to obtain land or materials. It wasn't considered slavery because there were many laws to protect them.
  • Nathaniel Bacon

    Nathaniel Bacon
    Nathaniel Bacon was a colonist of the Virginia colony. He was famous for being the instigator of Bacon's rebellion of 1676. In 1676 he organized an expedition against the Indians because he believed that without them, they would have unlimited territorial expansion, also it was sort of a revenge plot for the earlier attacks on the frontier settlements. This group consisted of about 60 colonist. At the apex of his power he died of a fever and the rebellion collapsed soon after.
  • Glorious Revolution

    Glorious Revolution
    The Glorious Revolution was when William of Orange took the English throne from James II in 1688. his led to the realignment of the power within the English Constitution. It was seen as the keystone of the Whig. The events of the revolution were bloodless and the revolution settlements established the supremacy of parliament over the crown. It was important because it showed the people had the right to change the government if they feel like it no longer protected their rights.
  • Salem Witch Trials

    Salem Witch Trials
    This was a time period that many people were convicted of being a witch and were either hanged or jailed. The practice of witchcraft was a bad thing since it meant that someone traded their soul to the devil in exchange for some help from him. How people were convicted was by the unusual effects and signs such as suspicious movement or signs of being possessed. They were executed in order to eliminate the devil's spirit in the town.
  • Period: to

    Colonial America to 1763

    Even though, trough time the colonist learned how to live in the wilderness. By the 1700s, small cities and towns were created, which resulted in many colonists to developed their own customs and lifestyle. Life in colonial America revolved around family. A large family was ideal during this time as more work could be done. The father was considered the head of the household since he would make all the decisions.Most children would not finish school and would go straught ti the workforce.
  • Act of Union 1707

    Act of Union 1707
    The act of union were two acts of Parliament. One was passed by the Parliment of England and the other was passed by the Parliament of Scottland. These two parliaments led to the creation of the United Kingdon of Great Britain. Although the Scots lost the argument for a federal arrangement but did manage to secure the continuation of the Scottish legal system, education, and church. On January 16, 1707, the Treaty of Union was passed by 110 votes to 67
  • Sir Issac Newton (Enlightenment)

    Sir Issac Newton (Enlightenment)
    Sir Issac Newton had a huge role during the Enlightenment period. Not only did he invent things but he made people realized the thing that has never been discovered before. The Universal law of gravitation was a theory that he came up with. It helped prove heliocentrism. This ultimately argued against many religious and traditional beliefs. He was also one of the founders of calculus, the other was Gottfried Leibniz. Newton would change his variables day by day but Leibniz would not.
  • Samuel Davies

    Samuel Davies
    Samuel Davies was one of the earliest missionaries for the slaves in the British colonies as he was a strong advocate of religious freedom. He helped to institute significant religious reforms in the colonies. He wanted to educate the slaves as he believed no matter their skin of social status they deserved direct access to the word of god as their masters did. He was a strong believer in equality even though he owned two salves himself.
  • Triangular Trade

    Triangular Trade
    The most well-known triangular trade was the transatlantic slave trade. The reason why it was called the triangular trade was that it was between three countries West Africa, American colonies, and the Europeans. They trade slaves, cash crops, and manufactured goods. Diseases played a big role during this trade because of its spread greatly through this. The routes were in favor of England as it was focused on the practice mercantilism and its main goal was to in rich England.
  • Deism

    Deism is a theory concerning the relationship between a creator and the natural world. This began to have a powerful influence because of the enlightenment period. The word deism derive from he word for god. God was viewed as merely the first cause and the underlying principle of rationality in the universe. Deists usually refer themselves as freethinkers. They did not believe in the need in a bible because it was not a reliable source and refute evidence of Jesus incarnation of God.
  • Salutary Neglect

    Salutary Neglect
    Salutary Neglect was Britain's unofficial policy, to relax on the strict regulations, particularly trade laws imposed on the American colonies. This all changed after the French and Indian war as even though the British did win they were left with a massive debt. And in order to pay off all that debt, they decided to end their policy of Salutary Neglect in the colonies. This is important to note because these helped led the start if the Revolutionary War.
  • George Washington's Roles (Seven Year's War)

    George Washington's Roles (Seven Year's War)
    George Washington was commissioned as a major in the militia of the British Province of Virginia. Later he was sent as an ambassador from the British to the French officials. When Washington led 40 militiamen towards the French position they were spotted and shots rang out which ultimately started the French and Indian war. This was important as this was the beginning of George Washington military experience and would later lead him to office as our first president.
  • Period: to

    The American Industrial Revolution

    The Industrial Revolution was a period of time where the increase in development of technology skyrocketed. The increases were due to the need for a higher production of products to satisfy the growing population. As the north turn more into mainly industrial the South remained an agricultural based economy. This was a significant period as it truly showed the power of the American economy as during this time America exported a lot of finished goods.
  • Period: to

    The Revolutionary War

    The American Revolution arose from the growing tension between residents of Great Britain 13 North American colonies and the colonial government. It all began with the confrontation at Lexington and Concord. It started because the colonies did not like the taxes that were put on them by the British. The importance of this timespan was because this was when the colonies finally broke free from Great Britain rule through many battles. The final battle was the siege of Yorktown.
  • Treaty of Paris - 1763

    Treaty of Paris - 1763
    This treaty ultimately ended the French and Indian/Seven years war between Great Britain and the French. In this treaty, the French gave up all of its territories in mainland North America which eliminated any threats to British colonies there. This was all after France lost many of their overseas wars and some of its outside territories to the British which led King Louis XV to call in for peace talks. Since British was interested in ending the war since of its expenses it was successful.
  • Townshend Act

    Townshend Act
    The Townshend Acts was four acts passed by the British Parliment to enforce its authority over the colonies through the collections of taxes. It was named after Charles Townshend who sponsored these acts. Taxes were imposed on things like paper, paint, lead, glass, and tea. These taxes were collected and used to pay for the salaries of officials. This was important as these were the factors that pushed the American colonists towards revolution.
  • Boston Massacre

    Boston Massacre
    The Boston Massacre was all started when the colonist were upset that the British imposed taxes on goods which violated their rights. So, the colonist began the protest and the British brought soldiers to keep their order. It started outside of the Customs House in Boston. The argument began to escalate which led to an object accidentally stricking one of the soldiers so the other soldiers fired into the crowd. This was important as many saw the British rule as evils due to this event.
  • Guerrilla Warfare

    Guerrilla Warfare
    Though guerrilla warfare was created ages ago it still played an important role during the American Revolution. The first usage of this type of warfare was at the battle of Lexington and Concord by the Patriots. Washington launched many raids and ambushes on the British. This was an important part of the revolution as it boosted the morale of the Patriots as it was a tactic that works defeat the British in a more effective manner like shown during the Forage War.
  • Declaration of Independence

    Declaration of Independence
    The Declaration of Independence was a document approved by the continental congress which announced the separation of 13 British colonies from Great Britain. It was drafted by Thomas Jefferson and two days later signed by John Hancock and others. Not all agreed on the declaration as some wanted to wait until colonies have a stronger alliance with foreign countries. This was an important event as this was the marking point in where America was an independent nation from Britan rule.
  • Battle of Saratoga

    Battle of Saratoga
    Battle of Saratoga marked a climax point as the American victory changed many views on America. It was ultimately a series of battles which accumulated into the Battle of Saratoga. This battle was well planned out which showed in the results of this battle. This was an important event because of the surrender of the British Army showed the French that the Americans could win the war so the French provided American with military aid.
  • Period: to

    The Constitution

    The Constitution of the United States of America is the supreme law of the United States. It provides important limitations on the government that protect the rights of United States citizens. It was to create a government with enough power to act on a national level. This was important as this is a marking point in American history which help the United States be as strong as it is today.
  • Massachusetts Constitution

    Massachusetts Constitution
    The Massachusetts Constitution was drafted by John Adams and is the worlds oldest readable constitution. It served as a model for the United States Constitution. It consisted of 4 parts, a preamble, a declaration of rights, a description of the framework of government, and articles of amendment. Since then 120 articles of amendment have been added to the Constitution. This was important because it was influential to later revisions of other constitutions.
  • Articles of Confederation

    Articles of Confederation
    The Articles of Confederation fitted the goals of the Americans when the citizens were fighting from the monarchy. Even though these documents favored the state's rights over federal power, after the revolution these didn't matter when a strong central government was needed. This was also an early version of the US Constitution. Altogether the Articles of Confederation was successful as it negotiated an alliance with France and also help get independence from Britain in the Treaty of Paris.
  • Battle of Yorktown

    Battle of Yorktown
    The Battle of Yorktown was the last great battle of the American Revolution. After this battle, the British surrendered to the Americans and considered a peace treaty. The American and French troops surrounded the British Army and greatly outnumbered them. When the American troops started to prepare for another attack it led to general Cornwallis sending out the white flag. This was an important battles it was the last and it was the finalizer of the American Revolution.
  • Treaty of Paris - 1783

    Treaty of Paris - 1783
    The Treaty of Paris of 1783 was the official peace treaty between the United States and Britain that ended the Revolutionary War. Even though it was ratified 5 weeks after the deadline nobody cared. It was negotiated in the city of Paris. Each point in the treaty was called an article. The first and most important was to recognize the thirteen colonies to be free and independents. This treaty was important because it gave many rights to the thirteen colonies and was the end point of the war.
  • Shay's Rebellion

    Shay's Rebellion
    It was a group of protestors Daniel Shays, and he began a 6-month rebellion in order to prevent the trial and imprisonment of citizens with no money. It began because the government wanted to impose taxes on the citizens and this was due to the fact that they lost so much money during the American Revolution. The rebellion is important because it was one of the major factors that led to the writing of the new Constitution.
  • Legislative Branch

    Legislative Branch
    The main responsibility of the Legislative Branch is to create laws. The branch is separated into two houses, the Senate and the House of Representatives. This was as important back then as it is now. Back then they needed to separate the powers in order to not overthrow the government. Now it is an important role because the United States needs it in order to make laws since now more laws are needed to control the citizens of America.
  • Yeoman Farmers

    Yeoman Farmers
    Yeoman Farmers owned modest farms and mainly used family labor. This meant they did not use the assistance of slaves or servitudes. They represented the largest population of white farmers. These famers were significant as they shared the same values as the Republicans and were central to the republicans views of a new nation.
  • The Great Debate

    The Great Debate
    The Great Debate happened during the transition from the Articles of Confederation to the US Constitution. It was between the Federalist and the Anti-Federalist. The Federalist was in favor of ratifying the constitution and the Anti-Federalist was not. This was one of the biggest problems at the Constitutional Convention. This event was important because This was the meeting of the creation of the US Constitution which has shaped America.
  • Steamboats

    Steamboats were first introduced by John Fitch but these were unsuccessful because they were expensive to build and operate. The first successful steamboat was shown by Robert Fulton. The most important role of the steamboats was the transportation of goods. It made the transportation of these goods more efficient and cheaper. They also transported people through canals and rivers but it mainly promoted trade. It was an important invention because it changed how efficient trading was.
  • Virginia Plan

    Virginia Plan
    The Virginia Plan was drafted by James Madison. It countered the New Jersey Plan, which called for one vote per state regardless of population. It protected the larger states because it allows larger states to have more representation. It also proposed a president and a supreme court. It succeeded in expanding the debate to include basic changes to the structure but failed in the end because it was asking for a strong central government and only favored the larger states.
  • Northwest Ordinance

    Northwest Ordinance
    The Northwest Ordinance was a law passed in 1787 to regulate the settlement of the Northwest Territory. The reason for the creation of this law was because as new states were joining the Union, they wanted to make all the states equal to the original 13 colonies. It protects civil liberties and all new states that joined the Union slavery were outlawed in those territories. This was important at this time they were expanding territory, it was nessacary to have a outline to adding new states.
  • Election of 1788

    Election of 1788
    The election of 1788 was the first quadrennial presidential election. Voters cast ballots to choose state electors, but during this time only white men who owned properties could vote. As expected Washington won. Washington was the commander of the Continental Army during the Revolutionary War. He had respect and loyalty of many becasue of his strtigic role during the war. This was important as it was the first election for president which helped shape the elections we have today
  • Period: to

    The New Republic

    The new republic era was a time of the construction of the United States. It included westward expansion which brought the middle class to the Americans. Also, industrialization was also in effects for the influx of factories and farms. There were many conflicts internationally and inside the United States itself. Many of these conflicts itself influence the events coming up like the Civil War. The CIvil war negatively affected America economically and socially.
  • Waltham System

    Waltham System
    The Waltham system was a labor and production model employed during the industrial revolution period. It was created as the industry for textiles grew from the new inventions such as the spinning jenny and the spinning mule. They tried to create a controlled working environment to keep the work from not being harsh. They recruited young women around the area to work on these machines. This was a significant creation as it was the first company to put cotton to cloth under one roof.
  • Bank of the United States

    Bank of the United States
    The Bank of the United States was created by Alexander Hamilton. It extended debate of its constitutional position. It contributed significantly in the evolution into the American political parties, the Federalist and the Democratic Republic. The bank helped fund the national debt left by the American revolution. It was important as it successfully accomplished all of hamiltons hopes for it and created bank notes which made the currency more efficient which led to more exchanges between citizens
  • Whiskey Rebellion

    Whiskey Rebellion
    The Whiskey Rebellion was the first time the U.S government could Apply federal authority by the military within the boundaries. The reason for the rebellion was because of the tax on liquor that was applied. The tax was placed because of the national debt and they wanted to show the power of the national government. Many resisted the tax by attacking the offices that attempted to collect the tax. This was important because it represented that Washington did not the states to be overpowered.
  • Cotton Gin

    Cotton Gin
    The cotton gin was created by a man named Eli Whitney. It was a machine that quickly removed the cotton fibers from its seeds. It made the production of cotton more efficient and profitable. It also brought negative effects as many of the farmers wanted more slaves in order to pick and plant more cotton on the field since it was so efficient. This invention was significant as it greatly increases the production of cotton during the time where cotton was a big export textile in the south.
  • Jay's Treaty

    Jay's Treaty
    Jay's treaty was an agreement between the United States and Great Britain. It allowed the United States to have a base to work towards building a national economy and assured its commercial prosperity. It was discussed because there were fears that federalist leaders that talks with Great Britain would lead to war. It also declared the Mississippi river to be opened for both countries. This treaty was important as it allowed the US to have no discrimination against them.
  • XYZ Affair

    XYZ Affair
    The XYZ affair was a diplomatic affair that almost led France and the United States into war. John Adams sent 3 ministers to France to negotiate a commercial agreement to protect US shipping. While in Paris, they were approached by 3 ministers from France which they suggested a bribe from the U.S. The news of the bride from the XYZ ministers were publicly announced in the U.S. this led to an outcry over the bride solicitation. This was important as it could have been remarkable event in history.
  • Period: to

    The Age of Jefferson

    It was the era that Jefferson became president and the power was passed from one party to another. Jefferson promised to govern as how the founding fathers have intended to, based on a decentralized government. It was so significant because it was a peaceful transition because in the past the transition in office was due to a death or inherited succeson.
  • Election of 1800

    Election of 1800
    The election of 1800 was the fourth US presidential election. Thomas Jefferson defeated President John Adams. The democratic-republic swept both the House of Congress and House of Representatives. The significance of the election was that it was the first time that power was passed from party to party. This was the reason why Thomas Jefferson referred this election as the "Revolution of 1800".
  • Louisiana Purchase

    Louisiana Purchase
    The Lousiana purchase was a purchase made by the U.s from France for land. The purchase doubled the size of the U.S and help the western expansion significantly. it was a total of 828,000 square miles and was purchased for 3 cents per acre. Through this many U.S officials did not feel like Thomas Jefferson had the power to make this large purchase and was almost declined. This was an important event as it was marked down as the largest land purchase in U.S history.
  • 12th Amendment

    12th Amendment
    The 12th amendment repealed and revised presidential election procedures. It required the President and Vice-president to be voted by the electoral college. This ensures that the President would be paired with his running mate after the election. It was adopted to fix the problem that allowed for Thomas Jefferson to tie in the Electoral college to his running mate Arron Burr. This event was important as it change how the president were chosen and fixed problem that came along with the elections.
  • Embargo Act of 1807

    Embargo Act of 1807
    The Embargo Act was passed to punish Britain and France for interfering American ships exporting to Europe. These ships carried war materials and other cargos. It protected American ships from further aggression by forbidding American ship to leave American ports. It was proven unsuccessful because without exporting the U.S would economically stable and would be forced to trade again. This was important as it showed the importance of trade as the aftermath economically was negatively reflected.
  • War of 1812

    War of 1812
    The causes of the war of 1812 were because the U.S was upset at the economic sanctions put in place by the British and France towards them. It was all during the Napoleonic wars, like the British impressment. Many federalist believed that this was to help Napoleon struggle against the British and they went against it by not paying taxes and boycotting war loans. The significance of this war was that it led to two centuries of peace between the U.S and Britian.
  • Hartford Convention

    Hartford Convention
    The Hartford convention was a series of meeting to discuss the effects of the war of 1812. During this process, the win by General Andrew Jackson at New Orleans swept the Federalist party, ultimately eliminating them as a powerful political force. In the end, it successfully supported the New England states by protecting them and supplying financial aid. This was such a significant event as it was such a secret meeting when it was held that they had no recordings of it.
  • 49th parallel

    49th parallel
    The 49th parallel was established during the signing of the treaty of Oregon. This line represented the border between the U.S and Canada but at the time Canda was ruled by Great Britain. It settled the long dispute of who controlled the Oregon territory. They agreed on a 10-year joint occupation for the Oregon Territory. This was a significant event because it made the borderline that is in place today. Also, it was one of the most important things James Monroe did during his presidency.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    The Missouri Compromise was created as an effort to keep the balance of powers in Congress between slave and free states. It admitted that Missouri would be considered as a slave state and Maine as a free state. This also made all new states from the Louisiana purchase north of Missouri borderline (36,30) to be considered free states. In the end, it was repealed by the Kansas-Nebraska Act. This was important as at the time it ultimately solved the problem of the balence of powers.
  • Period: to

    Cultural Changes

    This time period was the time when changes in the political, economic, social life of the United States led to the major change in the culture of the United States. This was all due to the effects of the revolutionary war and how the independence of America was now beginning to take part in many lives. This was a significant period because the thing that happened during this period has a significant impact later on.
  • Monroe Doctrine

    Monroe Doctrine
    The Monroe Doctrine was a U.S policy directed towered Europeans nations. It stated that the U.S would not interfere with any internal affairs of any European powers and in return, European powers could not colonize or interfere with any western hemisphere territories. The more long-term effects were that it was used many times during war to ward off the Europeans. For example, during the civil war, the North used it in order to stop the alliance between the South and Europe.
  • Corrupt Bargain

    Corrupt Bargain
    Corrupt Bargain was what Andrew Jackson called the election of 1824 because of what happened. It was when John Quincy Adams named Henry Clay as his Secretary of State which made Jackson furious and he decided to resign. Many though Henry clay sold his influence to Adams in a chance in becoming president one day. After this, he created a campaign that would later make him president four years later. This was a significant even as it changed presidential election in the future.
  • Period: to

    Age of Jackson

    The Jackson period was a time period where Andrew Jackson showed the most significant influence on others. Even though Jackson was officially only in office for a few years, he was able to accomplish a lot. Even before his time in office, he was a great influence on American politics. He made changes the broaden the participation in politics, also reformed movements occured to adress the inequality. This period was important as American politics had a significant change.
  • Election of 1824

    Election of 1824
    The election of 1824 was a presidential fight between John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson. During this, even after Andrew Jackson won Electoral votes and most popular he failed to get the majority, so it was up to the house of representatives. As Henry Clay was the head he chose Adams because he promised to make him his secretary of state which would help him have a chance ar president. It was also known as the corrupt bargain. It was a significant event as it changed the presidency forever.
  • Sing Sing

    Sing Sing
    Sing Sing was the fifth prison built by the New York State. Sing SIng came from the native American Word "Snick Snick" which translates to stone upon stone. A hundred hand-picked inmates were transferred from Auburn Prison to Sing Sing. It made profits for the state. This was significant because it continued the punishments for committing a crime and showed the power of the state.
  • First Police Force

    First Police Force
    The first police force was the metropolitan police force in London. It was created because since the population in London was increasing significantly they needed a way to control them. They created this force because they thought the previous version of controlling crime was insufficient. They wore blue long coats and tall hats. This was significant because it eventually influenced the U.S to created one of their own police force which was created in New York City in 1844.
  • Spoils System

    Spoils System
    The spoils system was introduced by Andrew Jackson. He introduced it after winning the election of 1828. In this system, the president is able to select civil servants to government position jobs. They choose the ones who were the most loyal to him and his party. In 1883 it was replaced by the Pendleton Federal Civil Service Act and it adopted the merit system in order to select federal officials. This was a significant event because it was a very large change.
  • Abolitionist

    Abolitionist is the movement to end slavery. It was a movement to end racial discrimination and segregation. The topic of slavery has been a long fight between the North and The South. Mainly after the passing of the fugitive slave act, many white abolitionists were furious as it made it unfair for the slaves. Only after the passing of the 15th amendment did the abolitionist feel accomplished. This was an important event as it helped solve the main problem that separated the north and south.
  • Nat Turner's Rebellion

    Nat Turner's Rebellion
    The Nat Tuner's rebellion was a slave rebellion that happened in Virginia. The rebellion only lasted a few days before it was put down. The effects of the rebellion are what was so significant about it. Many white militias were organized and went after the slave that took part in it. At least 200 slaves were killed during the retaliation. This event was so significant because it changed the view of the debate over slavery which later became all out war, the civil war.
  • Nullification Crisis

    Nullification Crisis
    The Nullification Crisis was a political crisis during the presidency of Andrew Jackson. It was a confrontation between South Carolina and the federal government. It was after South Carolina declared that the federal tariffs of 1828 and 1832 were unconstitutional and null within the boundaries of the state. South Carolina said that if the government used military force to get the taxes it would lead to the succession of the state. This was important as states showed power and tension were rising
  • American Anti-Slavery Society (AASS)

    American Anti-Slavery Society (AASS)
    The American Anti-Slavery Society was part of the abolitionist movement. It was under the direct leadership of William Loyd Garrison. The total membership of this society was around 1500,00 to 200,000. The people that joined was likely to be motivated religiously. They signed many antislavery petitions to be sent to Congress in search for the freeing of slaves. Also, publish propaganda to the public about the idea of slaves. This was an important group as they helped the ending of slavery.
  • Temperance Movement

    Temperance Movement
    The temperance movement was a movement which sought the control or ban of intoxication liquor. It all started when a woman realized that her husband died from over intoxication, so she wanted the government to restrict alcohol so she and other woman formed this movement. Many men sought that this movement was unfair as only a few abused alcohol like the Germans an Irish immigrants. This was an important event as it helps the health of many Americans, also lowered the crime rate.
  • Battle of Gonzales

    Battle of Gonzales
    The Battle of Gonzales was the first military engagement of the Texas Revolution. It was between rebellious Texian settlers and detachment Mexican army soldiers. It all started when Mexican authorities left a small cannon with settlers coming to Gonzales. when things didn't go well in Texas, the Mexican Authorities demanded back the canon but when the residents declined his request, the Mexicans sent soldiers to take it back which led to this confrontation.
  • Oregon Trail

    Oregon Trail
    The Oregon trail was a trail that expanded 2,000 miles long. It was used by the Americans pioneers. They traveled through the trail using a wagon in searching for fertile land in Oregon's Willamette Valley. This was during the western expansion when many believed that it would make the Americas more powerful. It was dangerous as the terrain was never touched so there were many rivers and mountains. This was an important trail because it helped the expansion of the United States.
  • Transcendentalism

    Transcendentalism was a belief that people should accept ideas, not as truly religious but a way of understanding of life. The core values of transcendentalism were individualism, idealism, and divinity. These people were very spiritual people so they believe that nature was scarce and it was important to be connected to it. It was significant becasue it was made in responce to the protest of the curent intellectual system at the time.
  • Telegraph

    The telegraph was invented by Samuel Morse. It was a device that revolutionized long-distance communication. Messages were transferred by an electric signal transmitted through a wire laid from station to station. He also created a form of code called Morse code, which used lines and dots to translate into a message through the telgraph. This was a significant invention because it revolutionized how messages were sent and later on played an important role during the civil war.
  • Panic of 1837

    Panic of 1837
    The panic of 1837 was created by president Jackson while he was in office. He created Specie Circular and refused to pay the charter to renew the second bank of America. This led the government to withdraw their funds from the bank. This led to full chaos as profits, prices, and wages went down while unemployment went up. This was such significant event because everyone was worried of the contry colapsing on itslef economically.
  • William Miller

    William Miller
    William Miller was an American Baptist preacher. He was noticed for the religious movement started in the 19th century called the Millerites. The crisis was when William Miller said that Jesus would return to earth by 1844 but it never happened. it led to many bad events like the burning of the church of the Millerites. He was significant because he created the religious movement.
  • Manifest destiny

    Manifest destiny
    The Manifest Destiny was the belief that the United States was destined to explore the west towards the Pacific ocean. It was the idea that it was gonna be able to spread their tradition and their institutions. IN the south it motivated more southerners to find land west that would be adequate to plant cotton. ANd in the north many were scared that the south would become to powerful with the addition of more slave states. This was significant becasue it was what motivated the expansion westward.
  • Trail of Tears

    Trail of Tears
    The trails of tears were when the United States kicked the native Americans out of there land and made them relocate. This happened after the passing of the Indian removal act was passed by Congress in 1830. Some tribes thought that they were forced to leave but other wanted to stay and fight for their land. This was a significant event as it led to the eviction of native and the famous event of the "Trail of Tears".
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    Westward Expansion

    Thomas Jefferson believed that the national health depended on the expansion of its land. This was after the purchase of the Louisiana territory that nearly doubled the size of the current nation. It presented future opportunities that would form after the exploration of the land. Many Americans moved to the west searching for land to have a better life. This was a significant period as this is what formed the land of the United States today and also brought many opportunities for improvement.
  • William Henry Harrison

    William Henry Harrison
    William Henry Harrison was elected as the ninth president in 1841. He was the oldest human to take office. He was the son of Benjamin Harrison V, one of the founding fathers. He was significant because he only was able to serve one year before he died from pneumonia. His death sparked a constitutional crisis as questions about the presidential line of succcession.
  • Bear Flag Revolt

    Bear Flag Revolt
    The Bear flag revolt was a revolt that happened during the early days of the Mexican American War. It all began as California was labeled as the results which explain the red star and the people the migrated there called the bear flaggers. It was called the California Republic until the annexation by the United States after Mexico ceded the land due to the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. This was significant because it was the time when United States acquired California from Mexico.
  • Wilmot Proviso

    Wilmot Proviso
    The Wilmot Proviso was a proposal that wanted to ban slavery in all the new states acquired from Mexico during the Mexican American war. It was first proposed by David Wilmot. As the Republican party supported the Wilmot Proviso the Democratic party did not. This proposal nearly passed the House of Representative but was put down by the Senate. Even though it was unsuccessful it had a great impact moving forward as tension rose between the north and the south over the power of the Congress.
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
    The treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was the treaty signed that ended the Mexican American war. It was a peace treaty between the Mexicans and the Americans. When Mexico army was defeated and the government collapsed Mexico sought to end the war. The treaty wanted $15 million from Us in return gave up territory from the Rio Grande and up plus California. This was an important treaty as it ended the war and also the US quired even more land to expand westward.
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    Sectionalism was when the United States was getting close to the civil war and the division between the North and South became more and more significant. It began to grow after the war of 1812 and as more people migrated to the west more people choose their sides. The main division was the discussion about slavery, South supported it but the North did not. This is significant as this is what caused the Civil War to happen.
  • California Gold Rush

    California Gold Rush
    The California Gold Rush was considered the largest mass migration in America history as around 300,000 people migrated to California in search for gold. It started when James Marshall found gold on his land and the news spreaded quickly. Not many became rich off of this as since many found gold the price for it went down because of the large amounts of it. This was an important event as it was the largest migration, also influence to make California enter as a free state.
  • Seneca Falls Convention

    Seneca Falls Convention
    It was the first woman rights convention. It was a meeting to discuss the social, civil, and religious rights of woman. It was put together by Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Lucretia Mott. This was an important event as it resulted in the "Declaration of Sentiments" which included 11 resolutions asking for the equality of woman and voting rights for women. All resolutions passed except the ninth one which called for woman voting rigts.
  • Popular Sovereignty

    Popular Sovereignty
    Popular Sovereignty is the principle that the authority of the state and its government are created by the people and the chosen representative. This was significant during the period of slavery as states were able to choose if it was considered a slave or free states since power was ultimately chosen by the people. Popular Sovereignty continued to be used in the discussion about slavery. All of this led to the civil war.
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Fugitive Slave Act
    The Fugitive Slave Act was passed in 1850 and was apart of the compromise of 1850. The 1850 act was a revised version, that had harsher punishments to the people who help the fugitive slaves. It stated that the citizen and official have to return runaway slaves back to the slave owner in the south. This made the runways slave to escape to Canada as they could not be taken back to the South. This was an important act because this led to the Civil War as the North sought it was biased to the South
  • Underground Railroad

    Underground Railroad
    The underground railroad was a network of people helping slaves escape from slavery from the south. This was just many routes above land not underground. Abolitionist and Freed slaves would offer shelter and aid to runaway slaves that are escaping to the North. With the implementation of the fugitive slave act, many slaves would travel all the way to Canada. This was important because this allowed slaves to escape slavery before the freeing of slaves from the Civil War.
  • Slaves Trade Banned in D.C

    Slaves Trade Banned in D.C
    The banning of slaves in the District of Columbia was made in the compromise of 1850. As the capital was switched from Philadelphia to DC, many wanted to ban slave entirely but the south saw that as unfair and would not accept it as a Union capital. So, the came to an agreement to only ban the trading of slaves and not slave force in general. This was significant because it was an important agreement that was sucessful between the furious sides.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    Uncle Tom's Cabin was based on a true story and was written by, Harriet Beecher Stowe's, it talks about how slavery is bad and how she opposes it. It was written as a response in the tightening of the fugitive slave laws. This was a significant book because it made the North more opposed to slavery and want the ending of slavery more now. Also, it was also a significant factor in the start of the civil war as more were furious on the topic of slavery.
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    The Kansas Nebraska Act allowed the people in the territory to choose whether not to allow slavery within the border. It severed as a repeal of the Missouri Compromise. It was unsuccessful as it brought more violence to Kansas as the two sides could not decide what was best. It would eventually lead to the events of Bleeding Kansas. This was a significant even as Kansas became the battlefront of the first battle of the civil war as tension between pro-slavery and against slavery hit its limit.
  • John Brown's Raid

    John Brown's Raid
    John Brown's raid was an effort by John Brown to initiate a slave revolt in Harpress Ferry, Virginia. This was one of the major events that ultimately led to the civil war. His goal was to acquire supplies through raids in order to supply the slaves with weapons. During the raid, he was captured and hanged which ended his legacy. This was an important event as it showed a force by the abolitionist and was a major event that led tot he civil war.
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    The Civil War

    The civil war is also known as the war between the states because it was between the United Staes of America and the Confederate States of America. The south was for slavery and the north was against slavery, keeping the two sides natural was difficult. Many previous events led to the long fight between the North and South. This was a significant time period because it changes America forever.
  • 1st Bull Run

    1st Bull Run
    The first battle of bull run was also known by the Confederates as the first battle of Manassas. It was the first major battle of the Civil War. It was fought after the attack on Fort Sumter as the Union was upset at the confederate for attacking. This was a significant battle because it was the first battle but also the Confederates won, which made the Union think twice as they thought it was gonna be easier. This gave the Confederacy a surge of hope in winning the war.
  • Trent Affair

    Trent Affair
    The Trent affair was an international incident that happened during the Civil War. It happened after the Union captured two Confederate diplomats on a British mail ship called the Trent. When the British found out that this had happened the British were angry at the Union as this because it violated the neutrality that was signed earlier. This was a significant event as it could have turned into an international war between the British and Great Britain.
  • Union Blockade

    Union Blockade
    The Union Blockade was implemented by the Union to block all exports from the Confederacy in order to collapse the Confederate economy. It was required for Union naval troops to monitor 3,5000 miles of the Atlantic and the Gulf coastline. The south had blockade runners that would escape from the Union to bring back nessacary goods. This was a significant event because it allowed the Union to weaken the citizens of the Confederate which most likely have helped them win the war.
  • South Military Leadership

    South Military Leadership
    The military leadership of the Confederate army was one of the many advantages the South had over the North. As the leaders made strategical plans in order to defeat the strong and heavily equipped Union army. Even though international countries never sent troops for aid, many leaders came to help the south. This was significant to the South as it gave them a chance at winning as the SOuth was not industrialized and did not have strong equipment like the North.
  • Emancipation Proclamation

    Emancipation Proclamation
    The Emancipation Proclamation freed all slaves, not under the direct control of the Union. Lincoln intended to pass this in order to cripple the South. The only way that it would pass is if the Union was able to win a war which happened at the battle of Antietam This helps the Union as it allowed these freed slaves to enlist in the Union army which would make them more powerful. This was significant as it led the way to total abolition in the United States.
  • Gettysburg

    The battle of Gettysburg is considered the turning point fo the civil war because the Confederacy army was forced to retreat. They were never able to recover from this which would stop the second invasion by the Confederates. It was also the bloodiest battle ever fought on American soil with 10,000 Union and Confederate troops dead. Also, another 30,000 troops wounded. This was a significant battle because it was the turning point of the war, also showed the power of the Union army.
  • Lincoln 10% Plan

    Lincoln 10% Plan
    Lincoln's 10% plan was a plan that Lincoln put out in order to reconstruction the United States after the civil war. It stated that in order for a Confederate state to be readmitted into the union, 10% of its states votes had to take an oath of an alliance to the Union. This was significant because it was the way Lincoln planned to reunify. It did successfully bring the United States together in the end. This was also a way for Lincoln to end the war quickly.
  • Black Codes

    Black Codes
    Black codes were laws placed after the civil war ended, as the result of the civil war was the freeing of slaves. The south still questioned the freedom of slaves as they were still dependent on slave power. What black codes did was made all free slave sign yearly contracts that would force freed slaves to work at low wages and if refused would be arrested and had to work for free. This was significant because it showed how the south was not willing to change their way of life.
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    Reconstruction was a time period after the Civil war as America was beginning to start over but as a whole country. After the civil war, many things have been put out of place. One of the main things that were being changed was the idea of slavery. This was significant because this time period is what formed amerca to what it is today.
  • John Wilkes Booth

    John Wilkes Booth
    John Wilkes Booth was an American actor and is also known as the person who killed Abraham Lincoln. He was a part of a group that first decide to kidnap him but later decided to kill him. It was done because they wanted revenge for the South. It happened at Ford's theater in Washington D.C. He was found 12 days later by the Union army and was shot to death. This was a significant event as the president of the United States was killed and help the confederacy gain revenge.
  • Ku Klux Klan

    Ku Klux Klan
    The KKK was a loosely organized group that focused on the political and social states of the United States. The final goal of the KKK was to defeat the Republican party and sustain a white supremacy in the United States. This was after the civil war as the civil war led to the release of slaves in the south. They were successful in their goal for a political change but not so much socially. This was a significant group as it cause a lot of chaos and also the KKK has lasted until today.
  • Carpetbaggers

    Carpetbaggers were northerners that moved to the south. It was mainly low-class northerners that could carry everything in a carpet bag. They did this for there own financial and political gains. At first the southerners saw these migraters as helpful to the south as their economy was in a bad state after the civil war, but realized that they were there to exploit the bad condition of the south. Carpetbaggers were significant because they helped the individual Republican state government.
  • Ulysses S. Grant

    Ulysses S. Grant
    Ulysses S. Grant was the 18th president of the United States, also he was a Union army leader. He worked under Abraham Lincoln and continued working after Lincoln assassination under his successor. He led the Union to victory over the Confederacy. He was most noted for his victory at Vicksburg, as this and the Gettysburg was the turning point of the civil war. He was significant because he was seen as a capable and effective leader which would, later on, help him in his run for the presidency.
  • 14th Amendment

    14th Amendment
    The 14th amendment was created in result to the civil war. It states that "all persons born or naturalized in the United States" should be granted citizenship. Also, it gave them equal rights under the constitution. This was an important amendment as there were many loopholes around the 13th amendment which freed slaves. Many southerners imply the black codes but the 14th amendment help bring slaves away from that by giving them rights.
  • Panic of 1873

    Panic of 1873
    The panic of 1873 was an economic crisis. It was caused by the collapse of the Jay Cooke & Company, it went into bankruptcy after they help finance the Northern Pacific Railroad but gave too much money and was forced to suspend all of its operations. Many other major banks also shut down during this period which led to business to close down, many to lose their jobs, and a rise in inflation. This was a significant event as it represented a low point where America economy plummeted.