Period: Jan 1, 1490 to
The Life of de Champlain & the Settlement of New France
Jan 1, 1492
Christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue...
Italian explorer, Christopher Columbus sails across the Atlantic Ocean and reaches America, which he mistakes for Asia -
Jan 1, 1497
John Cabot
John Cabot sails from England in search of the Northwest Passage to Asia and explores Canada's East Coast -
Jan 1, 1534
Jacques Cartier
French explorer, Jacques Cartier sails up the St. Lawrence River and claims Quebec's Gaspe Peninsula for France. -
Jul 3, 1567
Samuel de Champlain is born
The life of Samuel de Champlain is not well documented. Historians believe that this was his date of birth but there is no official documentation to support this. During his childhood he lived in Brouage France with his mother, Marguerite Le Roy and his father Antoine Champlain. He was one of the few children of Brouage who could read and write and he received training in navigation, drawing, and mapmaking. As a young man, he fought for the control of Brouage and was part of the French army. -
Settlement of Acadia
Champlain helped establish French settlements in Acadia. Acadia was territory between the St. Lawrence River and the Atlantic Ocean including Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, PEI, Cape Breton Island and eastern Maine.
On March 7, 1604 Champlain sailed from France to set up a settlement in Acadia -
Acadian settlements
The expedition settled on the island of Ste. Croix in New Brunswick. After a terrible winter, they abandoned their settlement and built a new settlement at Port Royal. -
Home again, home again...
After setting up French settlements, Champlain sails from Acadia for France. -
Quebec City founded
In 1603, Champlain explored the land along the St.Lawrence River searching for a site to erect a French settlement. Upon finding Quebec he notes many benefits such as grain, trees, poetential for fruit cultivation, fish and game and useful herbs and roots and in 1608, the city of Quebec is founded. -
Let the battles begin!
Champlain and his First Nations allies battled the Iroquois on Lake Champlain, beginning 150 years of war between Iroquois and French. Champlain’s musket kills three and astonishes the enemy. -
England takes it!
Britan takes possession of new France. -
Champlain dies
Champlain suffered a severe stroke in October 1635, and died on 25 December 1635, leaving no immediate heirs. Jesuit records tell us he died in the care of his friend and confessor Charles Lallemant. -
More resources
http://hrsbstaff.ednet.ns.ca/phillie/SocialStudies/Atlantic/jacques_cartier.htm - Jacques Cartier image
http://www.elizabethan-era.org.uk/john-cabot.htm - John Cabot image
http://www.sonofthesouth.net/revolutionary-war/explorers/samuel-de-champlain.htm - Samuel de Champlain
http://www.artexpertswebsite.com/pages/portraits_identification/explorers/champlain.php - Samuel de Champlain image 2
http://www.cslaurentides.qc.ca/Ecole/curemercure/anglais/Accueil.htm - British flag image -
And more resources
http://www.acadian-home.org/map-of-acadia.html - Image of Acadia
http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/champlainanniversary/champlainbio.html - Image of Brouage
http://www.abouthegreatlakes.com/greatlakes/index/champlain.htm - Champlain’s Quebec
http://inmf.org/ganadorlascases2i.htm - Charles Lallemant
http://www.wilstar.com/holidays/columbus_map.htm - Christopher Columbus’ expedition
http://dickiebo.wordpress.com/2009/12/11/you-could-have-heard-a-pin-drop/france-flag-2/ - French flag