The amazing life of McKenna Mumaw!

By mmumaw
  • Dolly the sheep was cloned

    Dolly the sheep was cloned
    it is important because we can clone other things like people to donate organs or to help society.
  • First steps!

    First steps!
    ( about 13 months old) ( not sure the date but the year is right) this was a big step because now i can walk
  • I'm Born!!

    I'm Born!!
    it is important because it was fist time in the world!
  • Period: to

    my life

  • Princess Diana dies

    Princess Diana dies
    this was important because she was a very loved and well known person when she died it effected alot of people
  • desert storm war

    desert storm war
    this was important just like any war, we are fighting for our freedom and safety of our country.
  • First birthday

    First birthday
    this was important because i was my first year of my life and my first celebration.
  • 9/11 U.S. attacked

    9/11 U.S. attacked
    this impacted alot of people not only the ones that were there but others around the world knowing that peple want to attack us. also this brought the U. S. alot closer by helping eachother before ourselves
  • First day of school!

    First day of school!
    Bowman Woods Elementary school in linnmar district. it was important because it was my first time off on my own with out my mom and my first education.
  • " Deep Impact" spacecraft launched

    " Deep Impact" spacecraft launched
    this was important because it was another chance of going to space and finding new things
  • Mom got remarried

    Mom got remarried
    this was important because i added on to my family. and my mom is happy
  • hurricane katrina

    hurricane katrina
    this was a big event because many people were effected and alot of people suffered from no food or water or shelter. many people also went down and helped rebuild.
  • Barack Obama

    Barack Obama
    this was important because he was the first black president
  • got my puppy

    got my puppy
    it was important because it was my first dog i got as a puppy. all of my other dogs i got were already grown
  • dad got remarried

    dad got remarried
    this was important because i am adding a new part to my family and my dad is happy
  • Oil Spill

    Oil Spill
    this is important because alot of anilmals died and our world got poluted
  • Cousin Aleria was born

    Cousin Aleria was born
    this was important because our family is really close and adding her into our family was just really special.
  • jazz died ( dog)

    jazz died ( dog)
  • gabrielle giffords was shot

    gabrielle giffords was shot
    this was a big event because many people were killed and hurt. it was unexpected and was very scary for many people. this shows that our security wasnt very good and many people could have been prevented form being hurt.
  • flood of 2008

    flood of 2008
    this was important because cedar rapids got alot closer and people started helping eachother