First Nations and New France

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    First Nations

    First Nations
    The First Nations arrived in Canada from Asia at least 15,000 years ago through a land bridge that was made of ice that once exsisted and connected Siberia to Alaska which is now the Bering Strait.
  • Feb 14, 1000

    The Vikings

    The Vikings
    The vikings were the first Europeans to arrive in North America. They came from Iceland and Greenland and landed in mordern day Maine or Massachusettes.
  • Feb 14, 1492

    Christopher Columbus

    Christopher Columbus
    Chistopher Columbus sailed from Spain west through the Atlantic to what he thought was Asia but was really Canada.
  • Feb 14, 1497

    John Cabot

    John Cabot
    John Cabot was hired by King Henry VII to find Asia and take the same route that Columbus had taken and he ended up in Canada and landed somewhere between Newfoundland and Nova Scotia
  • Feb 14, 1500

    Fur Trade

    Fur Trade
    In the early 1500's the fur trade was established between the French and Indians. They traded pelts for fishhooks, kettles and knifes and other European goods.
  • Acadia

    The french 2 years after recolonizing on the mouth of the St. Croix River they settled on Port-Royal and called their new colony Acadia.
  • Samuel de Champlain

    Samuel de Champlain
    Samuel de Champlain founded a settlement on the St. Lawrence called Quebec. He also became friends with the Algonquin and Huron Indians and traded furs with them.
  • Battle against the Iroquois

  • Battle of the Iroquois

    Battle of the Iroquois
    Champlain with 2 other fur traders with the Huron and Algonquin Indians helped defeat their long time enemie the Iroquois. This battle made the French an ememie of the Iroquois.
  • Henry Hudson

    Henry Hudson
    Captain Henry Hudson went looking for the Northwest Passage but instead found the Hudson Bay and claimed it for England
  • Death of Huronia

    Death of Huronia
    During the late 1640's the Iroquois conqured Huronia and killed most of the French missionaries, leaving the Algonquin and Huron to flee and abandon the French to fight alone.
  • Destroyed Fur Trade

    Destroyed Fur Trade
    The Iroquois had continued to attack the French since taking over Huronia and killed some of their settlers as well as destroyed the fur trade.
  • Royal Province

    Royal Province
    King Louis XIV made New France a royal province (colony) of France. He sent over troops to help fight the Iroquois, appointed administrators to govern, a bishop to run the church and an intendent to manage local affairs.
  • Hudson Bay Company

    Hudson Bay Company
    English colonies that had been expanding closer to New France set up fur trading posts just north of New France on the shores of the Hudson Bay. This English fur trade also competed against the French fur trade.
  • Scouting Out New Fur Trade

    Scouting Out New Fur Trade
    With the loss of the hUron fur trade the French scouted out farther inland to find new sources. As a result scouters ernt to the Great Lakes, Ohio and Mississippi river valleys.
  • A New Fur Trade

    A New Fur Trade
    Louis Jolliet, a French-Canadian fur trader, and Jacques Marquette, a French missionary, sailed to the Arkansas River and the French soon built forts and fur-trading posts along the Great Lakes and the Mississippi and Ohio rivers.
  • Seven Years War

    Seven Years War
    The seven year war marked the final conflict of the French and British colonists in America. The British had a number of advantages in the war due to their size, support from United Kingdom and the help of the Iroquois. The British won the war and captured Quebec and seized Montreal and gained most of New France.