Oct 12, 1492
Christopher Columbus
IN 1492 the famous adventurer Cristopher Columbus arrives. He is among the first to see america and the Native American that live there. He land in the island of hispanola and at first thinks he made it to the destination that he intended which was inda. This is how why the Native American were called indian he thought he had made it to india. -
Jun 7, 1494
Treaty of Tordesillas
The treaty of Tordesillas was created to solve a dispute created when Christopher Columbus returned from his voyage. It was made to help decide how the new world would be split up between portugal and Spain. -
Feb 7, 1519
Spanish Conquest
The spanish conquest is when the spanish came to south america and conquered bothe the aztedcs and the icas who were both very popular groups of Native Americans at this time. They took control over the regions that these Native American once ruled anad made it their own. -
Aug 13, 1521
fall of Tenochtitlan
This was the final battle that led to the fall of the Aztec. The spanish wanted to take control of the area. This battle let them take control of the aztecs capital. This was a very important victory for the spanish and after they started to bring their culture over. -
Jan 9, 1532
Incas conquered
Like the aztecs the incans were another veryimportant group of Native Americans in the latin American area. Also like the aztecs the incas were conquered by ther spanish during the spanish conquest. -
Jan 14, 1532
Printing Press
This is when the first printing press was open in south america. Printing presses are evry important because they can create a large amount of documents in a short amount of time because you do not have to hand write it. These are impportant because they can make things like the paper that spread aound the news. -
Others colonize
Other countries start to come to the areas that the spanish have conquered. The other countries that have come are the DUtch, English and french. They all want their own piece of land in he new world. -
Sugar planted
This is when sugar was planted in Barbados. This is important because sugar is now and important part of this place. Even today the production of sugar is an important industry in this area so planting it really affected that area and how they get money. -
Gold discovered
Gold was foun in the mines of Gerais Brazil. The discovery of this gold caused a gold rush where many people flocked to try and find some gold for themselves. THis caused the center of power to move from the northwest toward rio de jaeiro. -
Viceroyal of New Granada established
This was the name given to a spanish colony jursisdiction. This jurisdiction was in northern south america and included Columbia, equador, Panama and venezuela. Also it included Guyana parts of northwest Brazil, northern Peru, Costa rica and Nicaragua. -
Capital moved
The original capital of the portugese colony was origanily Bahia. Then in 1763 it was moved t RIo de Janiero. This remained the capital until 1960 when it was yet again. -
During this time there is an uprising from the native americans. This act is led by a desendant of the incans. The leader of this is Tupac Amaru II. -
Argentina get independance
This is when Argentina officially got indepenance from Spain. The argentinians fought for years against spain to get its idependence from spain. This is a very impotant part of Argentina's history. -
The Mexican American War
Battle of pueblo
Cinco De Mayo actually just means the fifth of may which is when the battle took place. This is the reason that they celebrate cinco de mayo. It is to celebrate the victory of the mexican army over the french. This victory was very unlikely and so is a good reason to celebrate. -
SLavery abolished in Brazil
On this date is when Brazil finally abolished slavery. During this time over 4 million slaves were freed. They were freed because they signed the Lei Aurea which was the document that made it official that the slaves were freed. Brazil became the last country in the west to abolish slavery. -
This is the year that the olympic games were held in Mexico. This is the first year that any olypic event has beed held in any Latin American countries. -
Earth quake
In 1985 there was a horrible earthquake in Mexico City which is the Capital. The earthquake was an 8.1. It caused alot of damages and all many lives were lossed. The death total was aroun 10000. -
This is an economic common market that began to operate in the southern cone of south america in 1995. Its purpose is to promote free trade a fluid movementof goods, people, and currency. It is an agreement between Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay andUragay. -
Treaty of GUadalupe
This is the peace that was made and gave the united states California and new mexico. This was know as the mexican cessesion.