Jan 1, 632
Muhammad dies.
Muhammad dies and Muslims elect Abu-Bakr to be first caliph. -
Feb 5, 632
A caliph is the title for a muslim leader which means successor or deputy. -
Feb 5, 650
The Umayyads take power. They are wealthy families. They move the muslim capital to Damascus. -
Feb 5, 655
The party of Ali. Believe caliph should be Muhammad's decendant. -
Feb 5, 665
Followers of Muhammad's example. They support the Umayyads. -
Feb 5, 675
The followers persue life of poverty, spirituality. They reject the Umayyads. -
Jan 1, 750
The rebel group, Abbasids, over throw the Umayyads. -
Feb 5, 755
The Abbasids murder the Umayyad family. One of the princes escapes, Abd al-Rahman, and flees to Spain. -
Feb 5, 757
New Establishments
Abd al-Rahman, establishes a new Umayyad caliphate in al-Andalus. -
Jan 1, 762
Moving Capital
The Abbasids move the Muslim capital from Damascus to Bagdad.