10 Top Important days in History

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    The Signing of Declaration of Independence

    The Declaration of Independence was the U.S. colonies who came from Britain declaring themselves free from British control and stop political connection with Britain.It is an important part of history because it was Americas first ideas or goals of our nation,along with why we left British control.
  • The Louisiana Purchase

    Acquisition of Louisiana territory by U.S. from France in 1803. The U.S. paid 15 million for 13 states worth of territory, signed on May 2nd. It is important to the U.S. today because it ave us control of the Mississippi River & port city of New Orleans used by farmers.
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    American Civil War

    Fought in the U.S. 1861-1865, over long standing controversy over slavery, over North & South states election Abraham Lincoln in 1860 southern states to secede from the Union & form the Confederate States. The Confederacy surrenders in 1865, the most expensive and deadliest war ever fought in American soil. It is important because it helped stop slavery and brought the country back together.
  • Assassination of Abraham Lincoln

    16th President of the United States. John Wilkes Booth shot Abraham Lincoln in the back of the head. John was a Confederate States supporter. This happened 5 days after Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered his army ending Civil War saved the Union & emancipation of slaves. Abraham was one of the best American presidents, especially for ending slavery
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    The Great Depression

    The worst economic downturn in the U.S., stock market crash of Oct. 1929 sent wall street into panic. 15 million unemployed, President Hoover comes in to help. Banks started closing, liquidate loans to supplement insufficient cash. It is important because it helps set up lows to stop it from happening again.
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    The Holocaust

    The mass murder, or genocide of six million Jews. The six million people were not only Jews but included; Gypsies, Twins, LGBT people, and many more. These people were put to work in work camps then put to death in death camps. This event was devastating but important to the U.S. because this helps the U.S. see indicators or clues of when and if this may ever happen again.
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    The Manhattan Project

    It was a project Lead by the U.S. (supported by Canada and the UK) that produced the first nuclear weapons. This project included the first detonation of an Atomic Bomb nicknamed the 'Gadget'. This was important because it brought the age of atomic bombs and the threats of that type of weaponry.
  • Atomic Bombing of Japan

    The Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki marked the end of WW2. Both of these bombs caused in the surrender of Japan. The surrender of Japan slowly lead up to the end of WW2 but the Atomic bombs known as "Little Boy" and "Fat Man" symbolized the end of the War to the U.S. This event is important for the U.S. because it showed the power of the U.S. and 'ended the war'.
  • Apollo 11

    It was the first man piloted mission to the moon. The first planetary steps were taken by Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong. They also returned to Earth with another planetary body. This event was important for the U.S. because it was an important part of the space race and it was the first time Americans landed on the moon successfully and returned back. It popularized NASA and advancements in space travel.
  • 9/11

    This was one of the major attacks on the U.S. in U.S. soil. The destruction of the Twin Towers or the World Trade Center sparked a time of tougher security for the U.S. 9/11 was a major loss in American security, morale, lives and many more things. This caused a depression among Americans. 9/11 resumes to be one of the most devastating FOREIGN attacks today. This is important because it sparked the age of Security for the U.S.