ZB MotorSkillDevelopment First Year

  • Baby is Born

    Baby is Born
    Baby's first year of life.
  • Period: to

    First Year of a Baby

    Timespan of the babys first year of life.
  • One to Two Months

    One to Two Months
    One month: Lifts Chin when placed on stomach.
    Two months: Lifts chest well above surface when placed on stomach.
  • Baby smiles

    Baby smiles
    By around 2 months of age, your baby will smile in response to you!
  • Three to Four Months

    Three to Four Months
    Holds up head steadily.
    Reaches for Objects, but unsteadily.
    Rolls from side to back and from back to side.
  • Baby Laughs

    Baby Laughs
    By 4 months you can expect to hear your baby start to laugh.
  • Sleeping all night

    Sleeping all night
    By 4-6 months, most babies are capable of sleeping through the night.
  • Five to Six Months

    Five to Six Months
    Sits alone briefly.
    Uses hands to reach, grasp, crumble, bang, and splash.
    Turns completely over when laid on back or stomach.
  • Sit Ups

    Sit Ups
    Babies can usually sit alone steadily by 7-9 months.
  • Seven to Eight Months

    Seven to Eight Months
    Sits up steadily.
    Reaches for spoon.
    Eats with fingers
    Picks up large objects.
    Pulls self up while holding on to furniture.
    Propels self by arms, knees, or squirming motion.
  • Crawling

    By 9 months, most babies crawl using both hands and feet.
  • Waving

    By 9 months most babies begin to make the link between sounds, gestures, and meaning.
  • Nine to 10 Months

    Nine to 10 Months
    Is more skillful with spoon.
    Reaches for and manipulates objects, including medium-sized ones, with good control.
    Stands holding on to furniture or other supports.
    Crawls with hands and knees.
    Walks when led.
  • Eats finger food

    Eats finger food
    Between 9-12 months, babies develop better control over their hands and fingers, making it easier to grab small objects, like finger foods.
  • Standing

    By 12 months, most babies begin to stand briefly without support.
  • Eleven to Twelve Months

    Eleven to Twelve Months
    Shows preference for one hand over the other.
    Holds and drinks from cup.
    Fits blocks, boxes, or nesting toys inside each other.
    Picks up small objects using thumbs and fore-finger.
    Stands alone.
    May walk alone.