Uexcel life span developmental psychology course 132486 large


  • Conception

    Physical- single cell, formed when a sperm from a male fertilises a mother's egg.
  • Newborn

    Physical- gain about 4 oz to 8 oz a week. Small motor skills develop, sense of smell, taste, vision and hearing get stronger.
    Intellectual - Baby's brain developing rapidly, interaction causes sparks of brain activity and can enhance function.
    Emotional- express how they feel with sounds and facial expressions, crying when uncomfortable, facial mimic
    Social- interactions by following you with eyes, crying for attention, being soothed by mom's voice
  • Activities for Babies for development

    Talking, playing, interacting can help stimulate the brain. Singing and soothing can help build social bonds.
  • Activities for Toddler development

    Activities for Toddler development
    Show toddler different textures in shapes on numbers and have the toddler run their fingers across them while you say the #, you can also do this with letters, play with blocks, play with them,and read to them.
  • Toddler

    Physical- Learning to play, growing in size and in weight, hair growth. Large motor skills are developed. Senses are enhanced. Intellectual- Child can voice their words, some learn to read, Identify colors and shapes.
    Emotional- toddlers show selfishness, anger, sadness, and happiness. They learn how to express their feelings irrationally. Learn and hate the word no and love the word yes.
    Social- Children love to play with others but often tend to like playing alone.
  • Preschool

    Physical- Grow in size and weight.
    Intellectual- Many can write their name and are potty trained. Learning how to live in a school environment. Learning the difference between right and wrong.
    Emotional- Ruled by emotions. Tend to be selfish. Learning others have emotions.
    Social- Gaining friends. Building relationships. Learning to behave in public. Aware of decisions.
  • Activities for Preschoolers

    Activities for Preschoolers
    Continue to read and nurture child, help them learn pronunciation by speaking words to them, encourage playing with other children, let them make their own decisions
  • Activities for Midldle Childhood

    Activities for Midldle Childhood
    Show affection, let them play sports, do dance, music, band, cheerleading. Encourage them to reach their goals. Show affection, help with homework, be there when they need you the most, and mantain a close relationship
  • Middle Childhood

    Middle Childhood
    Physical- joining sports teams, enjoy playing indoors, muscle and bones are still growing stronger.
    Intellectual- Children study in school, have learned to read, do homework
    Emotional- have a better understanding of their emotions. Depression can occur at this age.
    Social- Have more friends, enemies, boyfriends, and tend to want to be more social and popular throughout school.
  • Adolescence

    Physical- Puberty, physiological growth is complete; they are at or close to their adult height and weight, can have babies
    Intellectual- know between right or wrong, inability to consider the long-term consequences of their actions, By late adolescence they start making life changing decisions.
    Emotional- Seek attention, learning from mistakes, asserting independence.
    Emotional- distancing themselves from parents, boyfriends/girlfriends
  • Activities for Adolescences

    Activities for Adolescences
    Encourage teen to be physically active. Helping with house tasks. Eating together helps teens make better choices about the foods they eat, limit screen time, set rules, discipline, and nurture child. Show interest in their interest and make sure they are making the right decisions to grow mentally and physically
  • Early Adulthood

    Early Adulthood
    Physical- abilities are at their peak, including muscle strength, reaction time, sensory abilities, and cardiac functioning. Vision and hearing can change and the capability of having healthy babies
    Intellectual- Most go to college and have a degree or highschool diploma. Decisions are based on what lifestyle they wish to have and the decisions they've made in past, logical reasoning
    Emotional- Stress, happiness.

    Social- marriage, kids, less friends.
  • Activities for Early Adulthood

    Activities for Early Adulthood
    Staying in shape helps the body maintain its ability to proper functionally. Exercise and eating healthy can promote others in your household to eat health, Puzzles keep the brain sharp. Emotional development can involve doing yoga when stress and meditation. Go to more outings to make friends for social development.
  • Middle Adulthood

    Middle Adulthood
    Physical- wrinkles,menopause, sexual dysfunction, loss of vision, hearing, and eyesight, Cardiac problems can occur
    Intellectual- Post formal thought seems especially useful in situations calling for integrative thinking,the ability to solve practical problems is strong, and may peak, at midlife.
    Emotional- depression can occur
    Social- Friendship can decline, spouse may be deceased, relationship with family.
  • Activites for Middle Adulthood

    Activites for Middle Adulthood
    Aerobic activities to help the body maintain elasticity. Muscle exercises to keep the body strong through aging. Brain puzzles to keep the mind fresh. Avoid depression triggers such as stress or overthinking.
  • Older Adulthood

    Older Adulthood
    Physical- Skin elastically reduces, vision and hearing loss, fragile bones
    Intellectual- Dementia and Alzheimer's occur around this time
    Emotional- Depression and sadness can occur
    Social- grandkids, kids, and maybe nurses
  • Activities for Older Adults

    Activities for Older Adults
    Exercising but not pushing yourself. Try mental exercising and reading. Socially you can spend time with your family or join a club to volunteer or a book club.
  • Death

    “I am always saddened by the death of a good person. It is from this sadness that a feeling of gratitude emerges. I feel honored to have known them and blessed that their passing serves as a reminder to me that my time on this beautiful earth is limited and that I should seize the opportunity I have to forgive, share, explore, and love. I can think of no greater way to honor the deceased than to live this way.”
    ― Steve Maraboli