
Child Development Timeline

  • Germinal stage

    Germinal stage
    The germinal stage lasts about two weeks after fertilization. This is when the egg is fertilized and the cells divide creating a zygote. The zygote is the baby at this stage and is then attached to the uterine wall. The cells also form protection around the zygote, while others are forming the placenta for the babies nourishment.
  • Embryonic stage

    Embryonic stage
    This stage the baby is called an embryo, this is when the baby forms its major organs and body systems. It starts at about two weeks lasting to about 8 weeks. The embryo has three layers the ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm. Ectoderm forms the teeth, hair, skin, sense organs, brain, and spinal cord. The endoderm forms the respiratory system, digestive system, liver, and pancreas. The mesoderm forms the muscles, blood, bones, and circulatory system.
  • Fetal stage

    Fetal stage
    This is the fetal stage and this lasts from about 8 weeks to birth. The baby is now a fetus and will continue to grow and further develop. The fetus will learn to hiccup, swallow, urinate. The mother will start to feel movement about four months, hear the heart beat, and have an ultrasound. The baby can cry, clench fists, open and close eyes, suck its thumbs, respond to sounds, and all the organs will finish developing and get strong enough for survival outside the womb.
  • Full term pregnancy

    Full term pregnancy
    This is a full term pregnancy baby will be coming any time to meet it's new mommy and daddy.
  • Birth

    Arawyn was born healthy. At this stage they will sleep an hour or two at a time. Waking up to eat and be changed. They have their sucking and rooting reflexes to help them survive. They will learn to have certain cries for certain things they need and the parents will be able to sync these sounds with their needs. They begin to get curious of their surroundings but they can't see really good.
  • 3 months old

    3 months old
    At three months old they are recognizing people and things. They begin to smile at familiar and funny things, and become very interested in people. They still prefer to people rather than toys or objects at this time. They are still drinking from a bottle and they are using their grasping reflexes now. They will start to roll over and babbling starts and may continue up to about age 1.
  • 7 months old

    7 months old
    By this time they have learned to sit alone and scoot around. They are crawling and even learning to pull themselves up on things. They can start solid foods at this time, best to start with cereal. Their vision is now better and they have some depth perception, the more experience they have with crawling the better it is. They know their name and some directions, and they start to play with objects more and look for them when hidden. This is also about the time they will react to strangers.
  • One year old

    One year old
    This time they have said their first word. They are walking with help or caution. They like to look at pictures in books. Social referencing has been happening and they begin to explore their environments more. Self awareness begins and they learn their bodies and appearances. Temperaments may start to change at this time. They learn the drop the toy game and like to get reactions for things they do.
  • Motor development

    Motor development
    The motor development comes at different paces for different children. They learn to crawl and walk usually by the age of 1. Going into toddlerhood they start about 14 months building block tower. 16 months they can walk up the stairs and they can drink from a cup. Their temerament is developing and they are testing their limits. 23 months they can jump in one place and 3 years they are copying circles.
  • Cognitive development

    Cognitive development
    This includes using schemes, assimilation, and accomodation to understand things. The stages of sensorimotor that occur in toddlerhood are tertiary circular reactions which are dropping a toy repeatedly to see if the adult will continue to pick it up, and beginnings of thought which is symbolic thought. They can think of things and use the idea. Ex: finding a toy out of sight. They also start to use their memories.
  • Physical development

    Physical development
    This is when the child is growing and their height and weight is getting proportioned. They are more active and need to stay that way along with eating healthy is very important. Their brain is growing at this time and it is important for them to get enough sleep for them to grow, learn, and stay healthy.
  • Language

    Children start expanding their vocabulary and there are different kinds of speech they use. Private speech is when they are talking to themselves. Pragmatics is being able to communicate with others and have conversations. Then social speech which is to another person and meant to be understood. All are necessary for children to teach themselves use their thinking to control behavior.
  • Gender Identity

    Gender Identity
    Boys generally have more rough and tumble play while girls use more organized games and role playing. Sometimes they would rather play with only the same sex since they have more in common. Even preschoolers have exectations of what boys and girls are supposed to do and act like, and most of the time they are stronger stereotypes than what adults have.
  • Physical development

    Physical development
    Physical development is important this is when the child begins to change their height and weight changes and they become more porportioned they get taller and they begin to gain between 5-7 lbs a year. It is important for them to stay active and eat healthy so they don't become obese which about 15% of the child population has. This can also lead to other health conditions.
  • Motor Skills

    Motor Skills
    This is the time children learn to jump rope, ride a bike, skate, swim, and play sports. This is because between 6 and 12 the muscles are recieving messaged from the brain faster and can coordinate better. Fine motor skills such as typing, penmanship, and detailed drawing is getting improvement at this time as well.
  • Friends

    Children learn to make friends and they understand that they can count on these friends for support and comfort. They know that when a friendship is betrayed they require an apology and that they can trust people their own age and not just family.
  • Puberty

    Puberty usually happens around age 12 but can come sooner or later. This is when the child's body changes and starts becoming more adult like. Girls will get breasts and hip and boys will get deeper voices and more muscle. They both will start getting pubic hair and under arm hair.
  • self concept and self esteem

    self concept and self esteem
    Self concept and self esteem kicks in at this time. This is how they view themselves and how they feel about that. They realize their likes and dislikes, and wha they are good at. Then they rate themsleves and some like it and some don't.
  • Family ties and relationships

    Family ties and relationships
    This is the time they will start detaching from the parents and family and start wanting to spend more time with friends. They want to fit in and do things that other people do, say, or even wear. This can be a challenge for some parents if the crowd their child is involved with is not the greatest choice.