Your Story

  • Parents

    Jane and Bill Raihala
  • Siblings

    Oldest to Youngest: Celeste, Susie, Nellie, Lucy, Mickey, (me)
  • Born

    In Minneapolis, MN
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    Early Childhood

  • Met My Best Friend

    I work with her and still spend a lot of time with her. She's continuously been in my life to keep me grounded and positive, even when under a lot of stress.
  • Started Violin

    This has given me countless opportunities to participate in different events. I've been able to play for weddings, in an orchestra, and do musical events for school.
  • First Day of School

    Started school in first grade at 6 years old
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  • Sister Moves Out

    My parents kicked my sister out of the house because of someone she was dating and there were police involved. I vividly remember the whole event and it has really stuck with me because I was way too young to have heard and seen the things that happened that night. But, also it showed me how much my sister cared for me as she tried to keep me from how ugly the situation was.
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    Middle School

  • Started Working at VanSomeren Gardens

    Still currently working there during the summers
  • Became a Beekeeper

    Lasted almost exactly 2 years, but my dad accidentally kept killing them, so we stopped. Also, there were bee meetings, a bee class, and traveling to a special beekeeper's store.
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    High School

  • Began Playing Violin for Weddings

    I was able to take on a side-summer job as a wedding violinist and earn some more money for college. It taught me to be more professional at my jobs and be more disciplined because I was actively participating in a really important event.
  • Disneyworld

    I took my first trip to Florida and fulfilled the childhood dream of going to Disneyland.
  • Built a Waterfall

    At Wood Lake Bible Camp, I was presented the opportunity to exercise my leadership and creativity by becoming the head of a team to build a waterfall that I designed. I met a lot of people that I grew relationships with because of the work.
  • Mission Trip to Mexico

    First mission trip and first time leaving the country. I was able to experience foreign culture and see just how drastic life is in different countries in comparison to the ridiculous convenience of America. I got to spend time with the families in poverty and bring some joy to their day as well as build the church building and even a home.
  • Harry Styles Concert

    This was the first concert I ever went to and got to spend time there with my friend. And also the first of a series of concerts we're planning to go to.
  • Niall Horan Concert

    At the Minnesota State Fair and the second of concerts that my friend and I went to together.
  • Met Beef Jerky Boy

    At the Beef Jerky Experience in the Mall of America. Just a strange experience, but also an exercise in good judgement and discerning what is good for me and having to say 'no' to someone
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