
Yadira Juarez's timeline

  • My birthday

    I was born on September 4,1997 as a female in Nampa, Idaho. My parents are Delma I. Juarez and Miguel A. Juarez who said I was born in a hospital that I now forgot the name of. This is an important date that doesn't really need to be explained.
  • Period: to


    events that happend in my life.
  • First day in Kindergarten

    I'm not quite sure what day or month I started Kindergarten. I attended school at Sunny Ridge elementary school. My teacher was a female and her name was Mrs. Dahl. She was an elderly woman who made k- grade cool.
  • Played in t-ball all boys sport

    My first time ever playing in an all boys sport. My mom wanted me to join in a sport but all the girls sports were full so my mom went to the extreme to even put me in a boys sport full of boys. I did really enjoy playing with boys because one thing I always knew was that no matter what, no one would touch a girl with the ball. So we won, but not all the time.
  • Moved to North Dakota

    My first time moving away from people was the time I had to move to North Dakota. I enjoyed it over there because it snowed like 24/7. It did have sunny days but they never did last. My family lived behind the school, so it was always a 30 second walk from school to home.
  • Moved in with my great aunt in Oregon

    My parents were truck drivers so me and my sister would rarely see them. They were told they could only take on child this time on the rode so they chose the one who is less expensive. Meanwhile, I had to pack for three months worth of clothes and my belongings. It's my first time ever staying with my mom's aunt in another stated by myself and not with my sister.
  • Moved to Arizona

    Our family had to move to Arizona because we had no other choice, I think. Well we moved in with my step- aunt who lived in a crowded house that had 2 bathrooms 3 bedrooms, on kitchen (really small) and a small living room with a total of 7 little boys one girl, 3 teenagers (including me), her boyfriend, my mom and dad. This was my first time ever being this close to this much people at once.
  • Doing soundboard

    I do the soundboard at church on Sundays and Wednesdays. I did before do sound with my uncle who taught me a little bit about the soundboard and how to tune music and make voices higher and lower. I thought it was really nice and it was my first time ever doing something this big in my life
  • Got accepted into Job Corps

    I got accepted into Job Corps. Job Corps is a place where they give you work and pay you for attending and how many hours you spend working. I honestly love working with cars because cars are just cool to me. So I thought I should do some Collision repair and auto tech. I hope I will do a good job from now on.