By Yas999
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    This event is important becasue this was the time when Jewish people where put to blame for no reason and where killed and put into camps
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    bombing of Britain

    This is the time when Germany was bombing Britain and is a important event that happen
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    This event is important because Japan attacked the United States naval base and this lead to the united states getting involved in the war
  • D Day

    D Day
    This was a important day because it was the turning point of the war
  • Adolf's downfall

    Adolf's downfall
    This was the day Hitler killed himself soon after his soldiers collapse
  • Germany surrenders

    Germany surrenders
    This event leads to the end of the war for Germany
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    Atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    This event is important because its the first time the us used one weapon to end the war and also the bomb caused causalities
  • Japan surrenders

    Japan surrenders
    This is the day Japan surrenders ending the war.