Nazi party
Htler named leader of the Nazi Party -
New General Secretary
Soviet Communist Party appoints Josef Stalin as General Secretary -
Beer Hall Putsch
Hitler and NAzis try to overthrow German goventment and fail -
Kellogg-Braind Pact
signed by major power in Paris to help prevent the use of force -
Great Depression
stock market falls in US, cause the great depression, spreads worldwide -
New Chancellor
Kurt Von Schleicher named new chancellor under president Hindenberg -
Adolf HItler becomes Chancellor of Germany , essentially the dictator of Germany -
Enabling act of 1933
gave Hitler unlimited power allowing hi m to be dictator in Germany -
Nazi book burning
burning of un-german books -
League of Nations
Germany leaves the league of Nations -
German-polish non-aggression pact
Poland and Germany sign a ten year pact to maintain borders, later broken by germany -
Anglo-German navel agreement
agreement to have a certain sized military, hitler denounces the agreement -
Hitler youth
a premilitary nazi group for young boys, now at 5 million members, mandatory for boys 10-18 to join -
Anschluss of Austria
annexation of Austria by Hitlers Germany -
capture of Czechoslovakia
Nazi Germany troops capture Czechoslovakia violating the Munich Agreement -
WWII begins
WWII begins when Nazi Gemany invades poland, France and Britain declare war on Poland -
deportation of Jews begins, From Autria to Czechoslovakia to camps in Poland -
More invasions
GErmany invades Belgium, France, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg -
Smith Act
smith act passed in US to prevent overthrow of government -
ELie meets Moshie the beadle and starts learning Kabbalah at twelve years old -
Germany invades Soviet Union -
Pearl Harbor
Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, US declares war against Japan -
War on US
Hitler declares war on US -
Moved once again
Ellie and his father are moved during the winter to a new camo and find themselves trying to stay awake and survive the cold -
Waiting in Gleiwitz
Arrived in gleinwitz, staying three days without food or water, his father was then sorted awayed from him, came back. They were given food. -
Cattle Cart
Loaded on to cattle carts, 100 per cart, in the freezing cold. They had to throw off dead bodies everytime they stopped and Weisel father was almost thrown off. -
Getting Sick
His father continues to get sicker while Elie cares for him, his fathers mind diminishing in the process. -
Dead Man
His father dies and is taken away while elie shows no emotion. -
Foreign Jews Expelled
Foreign Jews such as Moishe from SIghet, Moshie escapes with his life and everyone thinks he is crazy. -
executive order 9066
President Roosevelt passed Executive Order 9066 ordering all people of japanese decent into interment camps -
Calvery Arrives
Halp comes april 5th and he remians in the camp til, April 11th, finally looking at himself in a mirror and relizes his gauntness. Finally hes out of the camps. Fin. -
From ghettos to the camp
Spring - People were optimistic and believed the war would end before it reached them.
The germans had reached sighet
Passover was celebrated in fear
Decree ordering all jews to wear the yellow star.
Ghettos in Sighet
Wiesel and family are moved to transports
Wiesel arrives to Auschwitz
Wiesel meets the french girl / is beaten
The young boy is hung -
Condition of camps
"The camp,looked as though it had been through an epidemic: empty and dead" This gives the dercription of how the camps were in horrible condition, leaving the imprisoned to feel depressed, horrible, and trapped. -
from camp to camp
Elie and his father are sent to new concentration camps. Elie hurts his foot during work and has to ge tthe sist popped, moved to yet another camp. -
Harshness in camps
"'Listen to me you son of a swine!' said idek coldly. "so much for your curiosity. You shall recieve five times more if you dare tell anyone iwhat you saw!'" This is Idek speaking to Elie who has witnessed the harsh treatment that the guards are afflicting upon people, therefore also representing how horrible the people were treated. -
Adolf Hitler commits suicide -
Ending in Germany
End of WWII in Gemany as they start to surrender -
Atomic bomb
Atomic bomb dropped by US on Hiroshima and then in Nagasaki -
Japan surrenders thus completly ending WWII -
Postdam Confrence
US,Britain, Ussr sign the treaty and discuss postwar Europe -
Nuremburg trials
Nuremburg trial begin in Germany prosecuting Nazi Germany leaders