
Night by Elie Wiesel

  • Elie Wiesel Born

    Elie Wiesel Born
    Eliezer Wiesel was born on September 30, 1928 in Sighet, Transylvania (now Romania). It was 15 years before he was sent to Auschwitz, Germany.
  • Invasions of the Germans during the Passover.

    Invasions of the Germans during the Passover.
    German military forces invade Eliezer's town, forcing many rules upon the Jews, and starting their reign of the Holocaust.
  • Jews sent to Auschwitz.

    Jews sent to Auschwitz.
    Around this time, Eliezer and his family were taken from their homes and were forced to board the train to Auschwitz. This is also when Elie had to deal with Madame Schächter screaming fire and fire over and over again.
  • A-7713

    Around this time, Elie was forced to tattoo A-7713 onto his hand. There on, he was called that number for the rest of the time he was in the camps.
  • Jews see the Cremation Chambers

    Jews see the Cremation Chambers
    When the Jews arrive at Auschwitz, they see that Madame Schachter had been correct, and that there had been flames. Here Elie and his father are seperated from Elie's sisters and mother.
  • Chlomo was first struck.

    Chlomo was first struck.
    Eliezer's father Chlomo was struck asking for the location of a restroom. Elie was undisturbed, and began thinking if he had changed so much in so little time.
  • Stein from Antwerp.

    Stein from Antwerp.
    A few days after staying at Auschwitz for approximately a week, Elie and his father met a Stein, a relative from Antwerp. They realized that he was deported in 1942.
  • March to Buna

    March to Buna
    After about 3.5 weeks in Auschwitz, the Germans forced the Jews to move into Buna.
  • The Idek Incident

    The Idek Incident
    After several days at Buna, Elie has accidentally seen a sexual incident with Idek and a Polish girl. For this he had been severly beaten by 25 whips.
  • Buna Bombing

    Buna Bombing
    The same week as the Idek Incident, the US air force bombed Buna, and nothing remained except tons of rubble sprayed on the ground.
  • Witnessing of Several Hangings.

    Witnessing of Several Hangings.
    A week later, Elie is forced to witness several hangings of the people who did not follow orders and went against them. This was also when Elie reinforced his distrust towards god.
  • Elie's Swollen Leg

    Elie's Swollen Leg
    Eliezer's right foot had swollen and he needed to see the doctor. He needed an operation very fast because if he showed any sign of weakness, he would not pass the selection. Fortubately, he made it out just in time because of the Red Army closing in.
  • March to Gleiwitz

    March to Gleiwitz
    Because of the invading Red Army, the Jews and prisoners were forced to move out of Buna and run almost 80 miles in freezing conditions where there was relentless snow.
  • Rabbi Eliahou and his Son.

    Rabbi Eliahou and his Son.
    During the march to Gleiwitz, Elie saw Rabbi Eliahou looking for his son. He remembered how he saw the son running up ahead of his father during the march in an attempt to get rid of Rabbi. He swore to himself never to do what the son had done.
  • Juliek and his Violin

    Juliek and his Violin
    After the march, a man named Juliek, who was supposedly a friend of Eliezer's, met his final days while playing a sad song on his violin. He told Elie that he could not go any further and gave up doing what he loved.
  • Train to Buchenwald

    Train to Buchenwald
    After staying 3 days without food or water in Gleiwitz, all of the captives are put on a fright train to Buchenwald. On the train, the SS would occacionally throw in a loaf of bread and amuse themselves by watching the people fight for it. All of the other times, the captives would eat snow.
  • Mier Katz

    Mier Katz
    On the train trip to Buchenwald, the Wiesel family met another relative who claimed to know them. His name was Mier Katz, and after 1 day on the train he gave up. He said that he could not go on any longer and continued to do so even when Elie's father said to not give up. He did not leave the train in Buchenwald, and died.
  • Chlomo's Illness

    Chlomo's Illness
    After some horrible days at Gleiwitz and Buchenwald, Eliezer's father had an uncontrollable ilness and fever. Elie tried to make it better, but he could not bear to see his father in pain, and because of this Elie had to submit to his father's demands.
  • Chlomo's Death

    Chlomo's Death
    Chlomo Wiesel died of extreme weakness and harsh conditions. He was beaten on the day before his death for making too much noise and his last word was, "Eliezer." He missed his liberation by 3 months.
  • Liberation

    Just before another death march, the 20,000 captives revolt and kill the SS officers that were there. Just a couple hours later US tanks arrive, and the Jews are freed.