
WWI - Morgan

  • Assassination of Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
  • Period: to

    First World War

  • Battle of Tannenburg

    Battle of Tannenburg
  • Period: to

    Battle of Tannenburg

    The Russian 1st army defeated the Germans at the beginning of The Battle of Tannenburg. As the battle moved toward the town of Tannenburg The Russian 1st and 2nd armies continued to clash with the German 8th army. Although the Germans were outnumbered 2:1 their soldiers were more skilled and were more adequettly equipped.
  • Battle of Tannenburg End

    Battle of Tannenburg End
  • Battle of Gallipoli Beginning

    Battle of Gallipoli Beginning
  • Period: to

    Battle of Gallipoli

    The famous blunder of Gallipoli was a main failure due to the lack of intelligence about the area and the amount of enemy soldiers there. The battle was faught for 8 months between the ANZAC and the Turkish Soldiers under the command of the Germans. The withdrrawal on the other hand was a complete succes as it was not contested by the Turkish soldiers.
  • Battle of Gallipoli End

    Battle of Gallipoli End
  • Battle of Jutland Beginning.

    Battle of Jutland Beginning.
  • Period: to

    Battle of Jutland

    The first major battle upon the sea during the First World War. This was based within the North Sea and was fought upon rough sea between the British Navy and The German Navy. The British had a navy of enormous (at the standard of that time) size and firepower whilst the Germans thought that their crewmen were better trained and more skillful than those of the British this led to their defeat at the hands of the British. The British lost the most men while the Germans lost the most ships.
  • Battle of Jutland End

    Battle of Jutland End
  • Battle of Somme Beginning

    Battle of Somme Beginning
  • Period: to

    Battle of Somme

    The Battle of Somme took place in the north of France between the British and French Armies and the German army. This battle is notable because the German's commanding officer was the Crown Prince of Germany. Fought for 4 months it ended in a stalemate between the two sides. The British lost 60,000 men.
  • Battle of Somme End

    Battle of Somme End
  • Battle of Cambrai

    Battle of Cambrai
  • Period: to

    The Battle of Cambrai

    The Battle of Cambrai was fought between the British and the Germans and was one of the first major battles in which the British tank was used. The British used a covert attack stratergy to which the Germans caught on and counterattacked.
  • Battle of Cambrai

    Battle of Cambrai
  • Battle of Vittorio Veneto Beginning

    Battle of Vittorio Veneto Beginning
  • Period: to

    Battle of Vittorio Veneto

    The Battle of Vittorio Veneto Paved the way toward the end of the war. Fought between the Triple Entente and their allies and the remainder of Austro-Hungarian-Empire. The allies had around 37,461 dead or wounded whist the Empire's exceeded 35,000 dead, 100,000 wounded and 300,000 captured.
  • Battle of Vittorio Veneto End.

    Battle of Vittorio Veneto End.
  • Return of Australian Soldiers from the Western Front

    Return of Australian Soldiers from the Western Front
    On the 11th of November 1918 400,000 Australian soldiers retrurned from The Western Front.
  • Formation of The League of Nations

    Formation of The League of Nations
    Predecessor to The United Nations
  • Signing of The Treaty of Versailles

    Signing of The Treaty of Versailles
    Exactly 5 years after the assassination of Franz Ferdinand the treaty was signed by members of The Triple Allance and The Allied Triple Entente Alliance placing blame and reponsibiliy on the shoulders of Germany.