• End of WWI

  • Elie Wiesal born

  • Elie Wiesel born

  • US stock crashes

    "The Great Deppresion"
  • Hitler becomes chancellor

    Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany
  • Dachau

    First concentration camp
  • Sachsenhause

    Concentration camp in Germany used for political prisoners
  • Olympics held in Berlin, Germany

  • Kristallnacht

    "The Night of Broken Glass"
  • Britain, France, and New Zealand declare war on Germany

    War is declared against Germany
  • Euthanasia Program

    Aktion T4
  • Nazis invade Netherlands

  • Nazis invade northern Africa

  • Nazis order Jews to wear yellow stars

  • Auschwitz gas chambers

  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    Japan bombs Pearl Harbor
  • Allied Forces D-Day invasion

  • Eli and father transferred to Buchenwald

  • Soviet troops liberated Auschwitz

  • Elie's father dies in Buchenwald

  • Elie and family liberated

  • USA drops bomb on Hiroshima

  • USA drops bomb on Nagasaki

    Nagasaki, Japan is bombed by the Allies
  • State of Isreal created