

  • Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
    Archduke Francis Ferdinand heir to the Austria-Hungary throne and his wife are assassinated by a Serbian Nationalist in Sarejevo.
    This is important becuase this set off many traumatic events that led to the outbreak of war in which australia was involved in.
    The piture of Archduke Franz Ferdinand is a primary source
  • Austia-Hungary Declares War on Serbia

    Austia-Hungary Declares War on Serbia
    After Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife were killed by a Serbian nationalist in Sarajevo, Austria-Hungary declares war on Serbia, effectively beginning the First World War.
    This is a primary source.
    This is important to Australian troops because it started WW1 and signaled the flag to Australia that they might be involved in the war.
  • Andrew Fisher's Famous Speech

    Andrew Fisher's Famous Speech
    Andrew Fisher, 4th Australian Prime Minister, ensures the Australian public that ''should the worst happen, Australians will stand beside the mother country to help and defend her to the last man and the last shilling.''
    This is a primary source
    This is important to Australia because it affirmed the Australian attitiudes towards the war.
  • Britain Declares War On Germany

    Britain Declares War On Germany
    Great Britain declares war on Germany and its Allies. The Australian government also pledged full support for Britain in the war against Germany.
    This is a primary source.
    Britain was one of the last countries to declare war. Australia became part of the war because they were part of the British Empire and they were asked to fight alongside them.
  • First Battle of Ypres

    First Battle of Ypres
    The First Battle of Ypres was a First World War battle fought for the strategic town of Ypres in western Belgium.
    This battle is important to australia because this was one of their earlier battles and were still getting used to war conditions.
  • Australian Troops Land at Gallipolli

    Australian Troops Land at Gallipolli
    The landing, north of Gaba Tepe on the Aegean coast of the Peninsula, was made by soldiers of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) and was the first major combat of the war for these two countries. Another landing was made several miles to the southwest at Cape Helles by British and French troops
  • Battle of Lone Pine, Gallipolli

    Battle of Lone Pine, Gallipolli
    The battle of Lone Pine was intended to divert attempts made by NZ and Australian units to breakout from the ANZAC perimeter battlefield. This battle of intense hand-to-hand fighting resulted in over 2,000 Australian casualties. Seven Victoria Crosses were awarded for bravery to Australian troops.
    This is a primary source.
    The fierce battle was the only successful Australian attack against the Turkish trenches
  • Battle of The Nek

    Battle of The Nek
    The Battle of the Nek was a minor World War I battle fought as part of the Gallipoli campaign. "The Nek" was a narrow stretch of ridge in the Anzac battlefield on the Gallipoli peninsula. On 7 August 1915, the Australian defences mounted a tragic and futile attack on the Ottoman trenches which involved over 1000 Australian casulaties.
    This is a secondary source.
    This is important because is shows how horrible the Gallipollii battle as it had many little battles within it.
  • Last Australian troops leave Gallipoli Peninsula

    Last Australian troops leave Gallipoli Peninsula
    The Allies evacuate 83,000 troops from the battlefields of Suvla Bay at ANZAC Cove in Gallipoli. There were virtually no casualities in this withdrawal and the Turkish were not aware of the evacuation taking place. Many men were saddened by having to leave behind the graves of their dead comrades.
    This is a primary source.
    This was important to the Australians as they finally understood the gratitide of the war and what was happening.
  • Battle of Verdun

    Battle of Verdun
    The Battle of Verdun was one of the major battles during the First World War on the Western Front. It was fought between the German and French armies, from 21 February to 18 December 1916, The French were victorius.
    This is a primary source.
    This was important to Australian troops because they lost many solidiers and realised the devastation war was causing.
  • Battle of Somme

    Battle of Somme
    The Battle of the Somme started in July 1st 1916. It lasted until November 1916. This battle had a marked effect on overall casualty figures and seemed to epitomise the futility of trench warfare..
    This is a primary source.
    The Battle of the Somme started in July 1st 1916. It lasted until November 1916. For many people,
    This was important to Australian troops because the Battle of the Somme was the battle that symbolised the horrors of warfare in World War One
  • Battle of Fromelles

    Battle of Fromelles
    The attack was intended to deceive German troops away from the Somme offensive then being pursued further to the south. The 5th Australian Division suffered 5,533 casualties and the 61st British Division suffered 1,547. The German's lost a 1,000 troops.
    This is a primary source.
    This was important to the Australian troops as it was the first major battle on the Western Front fought by Australian troops.
  • Battle of Romani

    Battle of Romani
    This battle fought by the British and Australians in the Middle East signified the end of the Turkish threat on the Suez canal. The Turkish resistance collapsed at the next morning, and large numbers of prisoners were taken.
    This is a primary source.
    This is important because it was one of Australians first victories
  • First Referendum for Conscription

    First Referendum for Conscription
    On 28 October 1916, Australians had to say YES or NO to the following question: ''Are you in favour of the Government in this time of grave emergency, the same compulsory powers of citizens in regard to their military service. For the term of this war, as it now has in regard to military service within the commonwealth.’’
    This is a primary source.
    This is important because people back livin in Australia realised that they didn't want to be conscripted and women didn't want men to leave.
  • Third Battle of Ypres

    Third Battle of Ypres
    The Third Battle of Ypres, was a major British offensive in Flanders in 1917. The plan was to break through German defences enclosing the Ypres salient, a range of trenches near the British front line, with the intention of sweeping through to the German submarine bases on the Belgian coast.
    This is a secondary source.
    This is important because there were lot of Australian casulties.
  • Battle of Passchendaele

    Battle of Passchendaele
    British divisions with the Australians in support, attacked in bad conditions towards Passchendaele village in the mud and rain. Spearheading this attack were the Australian Third Division and the New Zealand Divisio. However the Asutralians were not strong enough to hold off other troops and eventually fell back and gave up their guns.
    This is a primary source.
    This is important to Australian beacause the Aus troops had to surrender and they didn't like to do that.
  • 2nd Referendum for Conscription

    2nd Referendum for Conscription
    Bill Hughes' futile attempts to introduce concription in the first referendum resulted in the Labor Party expelling Hughes from office on the 14th Novemeber, 1916. Despte the split, Hughes tried to introduce Conscritpion through a 2nd referendum with his newly formed Nationalist Pary.Voting for the second referendum took place on 17 December of 1917, however, again the referendum failed.
    This is a primary source.
    This is important because once again the referendum failed, people were desperate.
  • Black Day of the German Army

    Black Day of the German Army
    Australian infantry troops and approxiametely 6000 armed tanks shatter . Pushing German defensive forces back past their own bared wire fences and metal trenches of the Hindenburg Line. Consequently, the AIF and British military services gained approxiametely 10 kilometres of land.
    This is a primary source.
    This is important because this battle started the end of the war as the Germans were defeated.
  • Armistice Day

    Armistice Day
    The Germann Government signed a treaty (armistice) with the allies at the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month. This significant event represented the official end of World War 1.
    This is a primary source.
    It was important to the Australian population and they consequently reacted to this news with enjoyment and happiness due to the horrific imapacts of WW1