World Histroy Project ( Industrial Revolution )

  • The Spinning Jenny

    The Spinning Jenny
    Is a multi-spool spinning wheel. This machine redueced the amount of work for workers which it was easy to use then most machine. One worker can work 8 or more spools at the same time. Makes alot of clothing material but it's very slow.
  • The Water Frame

    The Water Frame
    It's a water-powered machine which is use for making cotten thread. Spins 128 threads at a time. This can produce more the humans can. People using this makes them alot of money. It was oringinally powered by horses
  • The Spinning Mule

    The Spinning Mule
    Up to 5 yarns can be spun. Easier to control over weaving process. Spinners can make different types of yarn. It was the second advanced in the spinning industry. The spinning mule is a combination of the water frame and the spinning jenny.
  • The Power Loom

    The Power Loom
    Was used to weave yarn and spinned faster yarn which was easier for workers to use. Made clothing better and cheaper. So less prices brought people him which made lots of money. It broughts more women and children in the work place; also took craftmens out of business
  • Gullotine

    Was used for exucutions. Killed people quicker and faster. Drops down from very high up. Cuts clean. Means that doesn't leave anyone alive and the blade was very sharpe. Exuctioners use to use axes or a sword and they miss mightf leave them half alive.
  • The Jacquard Loom

    The Jacquard Loom
    A big step for weaving technology. It is a mechanical loom which is a process of manufactering texiturs with the complex patterens. Not exspensive to put in factories.
  • The General Strike

    It started among the stafforshine. Rioters called for higher wages, less hours, and less rent. Also a big discontent among with wages. Made people mad
  • Telephone

    Communication was much easier. People were able to talk from far places like a state to another. People didn't like have to letters or anthing like that they can just use a phone. Now we use phones to day which always get improved