World History Project

  • 1200

    The Church- Simony

    The Church- Simony
    Simony is where the church sold potions in the Church. People nowadays have to work their way up in the church. When people could just buy their positions, they wouldn't know anything about.
  • 1300

    Daily life- Education

    Daily life- Education
    Education was more focused on the boys. They learned reading, writing, math, and religion. Education was for rich boys sometimes really talented poor boys, but no girls.
  • 1300

    Medicine and Anatomy

    Medicine and Anatomy
    Medieval tactics were finally ruled out as a cure for illnesses and health issues. Treatments were upgrading. Less amputations and less painful procedures.
  • 1300

    Daily Life- Food

    Daily Life- Food
    Peasants- Mush or soup made from leftovers, black bread, and they also had very little meat. Merchants & Nobles- Huge feasts that consisted of large animals and soup. Feathers from the cooked animal used for decor.
  • 1300

    Daily life- Fashion

    Daily life- Fashion
    Men usually wore a shirt and a coat over top, with a hat usually. Hairstyles varied and so did facial hair.
    Women- Long poofy dresses with long sleeves and jewelry. Hair styles varied, but blonde hair was what women wanted. Also wanted to have light skin.
    What people would wear depending on their wealth class.
  • Jan 1, 1301

    Papal is moved (Catholic Church #1)

    Papal is moved (Catholic Church #1)
    After the king tried to tax the clergy, the Church wanted to move the papal to Avignon. The Pope was arrested because he threatened to excommunicate the king. The next Pope, Clement V moved the Papal to Avignon.
  • 1320


    This is an Italien poem. The poem was about a soul's journey. He goes threw the journey of Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven.
  • Jan 1, 1377

    Three Popes (Catholic Church #2)

    Three Popes (Catholic Church #2)
    Pope Georgry moved the Papal back to Rome, where he soon died. When the next Pope got choosen, the Cardinals did not like him so they elected a different Pope in Avignon. Later a Church Council elected another Pope.
  • 1392

    The Canterbury Tales

    The Canterbury Tales
    This literary work is about 29 Pilgrims. They are going to the tomb of St. Thomas Beckett of Canterbury in England.
  • 1422

    Christine de Pizan

    Christine de Pizan
    This book argued the fact that women could be as smart and successful as men were if they were given the same chances and education.
  • 1454

    Cosimo de' Medici

    This guy was head of the Medici bank. He helped a lot of painters make their panting because he helped them with money. He was head of the bank and that also helped him be able to afford the money to help out these painters.
  • 1472

    Banca Monte Dei Paschi Di Siena

    This was a bank of the Renaissance time. This bank helped people get money to sopport the paintings they bought or donated miney to. This is important to The Patrons Of the Arts because it helped them be able to save up their money.
  • 1483

    Corruption (Catholic Church #3)

    The church started making people pay for practices. The church also started making money off indulgences for purgatory.
  • Jan 1, 1490

    Martin Luther (Martin Luther #3)

    Martin was in a huge storm, while laying down and praying to God for him to live. He told God he would devote his time as a Monk if God helped him survive.
  • 1490

    Vitruvian Man

    A painting by Leonardo da Vinci. This painting was helped by an architect by the name of Vitruvius. This painting is a male with four arms and four legs.
  • Period: 1495 to 1498

    The Last Supper

    The Last Supper is a painting by Leonardo Da Vinci. It is a moire recognizable painting, a lot of scientists and architectures have studied this painting.
  • Period: 1498 to 1499


    This sculpture was sculpted by Michelangelo. This sculpture was lead by the Cardinal Jean de Bilhères. This sculpture was the first sculpture of Michelangelo's works.
  • 1512

    The Creation of Adam

    This painting was painted by Michelangelo. He painted this on the Sistine Chapel ceiling. This painting is about how God gave Adam the creation of life.
  • Sep 30, 1517

    Luther makes a big move (Martin Luther #2)

    Luther makes a big move (Martin Luther #2)
    Luther staples his 95 thesis to the Catholic church for everyone to see. A lot of people change their mind about the Church, others are angry.
  • Jan 1, 1521

    Excommunicated (Martin Luther #1)

    Excommunicated (Martin Luther #1)
    On this date Pope Leo X wanted Martin to recant his 95 thesis. Martin decided not to recant his work and got excommunicated.
  • Mona Lisa

    This painting of women is probably the most famous painting ever. This painting was painted by Leonardo Da Vinci.
  • Microscope (Invention #3)

    Microscope (Invention #3)
    The first Microscope was invented by Hans Lippershey and his son. The first microscope was made of one lens, you also only used it to look at insects.
  • Paracute (Invention #1)

    Paracute (Invention #1)
    The parachute was invented in 1617. Faust Vrančić was the first person to ever test the parachute. He was also the creater, Leonardo De Vince had the first idea of the parachute but never followed threw with it.
  • Adding Machine (Invention #2)

    Adding Machine (Invention #2)
    Blaise Pascal has been given credit for the invention. Many times the first adding machine didn't work, after failing
    for awhile they did get the adding machine to work properly
    in 1892.
  • Exploration Discoveries

    Exploration Discoveries
    During the renaissances Europeans traveled to many new countries. A few of them being Africa, Asia, America, and Oceania. People traveling to different places